

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3:10 to Yuma

Watched this DVD last night, sounded like a chinese movie but anyway since Russell was in it, i thought it should be ok. Its an remake of an old western flick. The story lack depth and like old western film the dialogue was not so easy for the uninitiated in English.

Simple storyline, but there are parts that made no sense. Maybe its the old western movies. You see the bad guys and their posse ride into town their wanted people, no one stops them even though every villagers apparently have guns.

One part saw them ride into town, offered money to the town folks to shoot the sheriffs and the people escorting Russell Crowe the baddie. And the town folks actually got out their guns, the stupidest part was when the posse was out-numbered by the gun-slingling town folks, the town people did not even try to apprehend the bad guys but turn on the sheriff.

Not much to crowe about, if you get the drift.

Certainly one to miss - save your money for something better.... still among the new DVDs out

The top - Rogue Assassin, Rush hour 3

Enjoy your weekend