

Monday, September 15, 2008

A new change in the Air in WA

Finally the wait is over. Liberal is taking over government in WA. Its been long in coming and i could not be happier about it. I never seriously understand Australia people when it comes to politics, they seem to know less about policy than about my brother Kris. But at least WA is doing something right. I believe in opposition so when state and federal are ruled by a single government then its bound to be bad. The problem with many western politics is that they often have political leaning. Liberals, labour and other minority parties and yes each plays a role. Labour will make the employee happy and fight with UNIONS but WILL always destroy the economy. Liberals will make the employer happy but WIll ultimately screw the employee. The other parties well they will make no one happy but provides a good alternative. Anyway, here is the article that made me a happy pappy.

Labor loses WA election after Libs, Nats form co-op

Published by Streem -- Sep 14, 2008 4:56pm
Updated Sep 15, 2008 8:45am AEST

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon says he will reject reform to Australia's Medicare system planned by the Government.

Labor has lost it's first state election since the election of the Rudd Government, delivering the Liberals power in Western Australia thanks to an agreement with the National Party.

The political future of both the Labor and Liberal Parties had been held in limbo since last weekend's election.

Both major parties had courted the National Party to form a minority state Government.

However the National Party announced this afternoon that it would form Government with the Liberal Party - staying true to it's conservative values.

A Labor-National Government would have been a political first for the state and a near paradox across political philosophies.

Under the power-sharing agreement, the National Party will form a minority Government with the Liberal Party's leader Colin Barnett.

Incoming Premier Barnett and the Liberal Party agreed to support a key Nationals policy to provide 25% of mining profits to regional communities.

Nationals Leader Brendan Grylls will seek to become the Minister for Regional Development in Western Australia.

It marks the end of the WA Labor Government which had been in power since 2001.

The election will also be remembered as one of the greatest political comebacks in Australian history after the Liberal Party was widely written-off for the election.

Alan Carpenter called the state's election just 24-hours after the Liberal Party dumped former leader and 'chair sniffer' Troy Buswell in favour of Mr Barnett.

The move was seen widely as political opportunism and is believed to have contributed to Labor's downfall.

The election of the Liberal and National Government also signals a change in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's "co-operative Federalism", which had depended on Labor being in power across each state and territory.

Mr Rudd argued that it was likely more could be achieved given the same philosophical outlook across Federal and State Governments.

That policy is now in doubt given a near-loss to Labor in the Northern Territory and an election loss in Western Australia.

Key reform areas including health and education under the Rudd Government have been heavily pinned to the idea of co-operation between Federal Labor and State Governments.

The Prime Minister will now be faced with a challenge in negotiating and delivering key election pledges within education and health given the wobbly state of Labor below the Federal level.

Alan Carpenter will now resign as Labor's leader in Western Australia.

Colin Barnett becomes the 29th Premier of the state.