

Monday, September 1, 2008


Written and directed by Guillermo del Toro, this movie is almost 2 hours long. Someone told me that this was going to be an action pack movie, i guess they were probably sleeping through half the movie.

This was a seriously long movie that dont really have to be, it was average at best. The plot swings between action, romance and drama. I think this movie suffers from trying too hard to be everything in a movie genre. You half expect a big fight of the golden army and the human race... but no... the director has to drag all the melodrama of Hallboy being a father and the love affair between his pal and princess nuala, such a waste of time. If i had wanted to watch romance, i would have watch Notthing Hill. Its crazy to add so many sub-plots.. when i all i want is action.

Wait for DVD its more worth your while

Interesting fact to watch -

Factual errors: When the auction room suffers a power cut and the lights go out, so should the monitor screens. Instead, they display static.