

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sowing and Reaping

Everything in life needs hard work to make it work, if we want the farm to be fruitful we need to sow in hours of backbreaking work to plow the soil and plant the seed. Nothing in life comes just because we want it.

Therefore to grow a care group or unit and even our own life, we need to sow into the things we desire, if we do not sow then we cannot reap the rewards of our labor. The amount of effort and time you put in determines the result.

To build a strong group we need to sow - time and love into people's life.

To build strong spiritual life - we need to sow time in devotion, prayer and worship

To build strong relationship - we need to sow love, time, effort into the relationship

Remember what you sow will be what you reap.



something interesting i was hearing from New Hope - Wayne... if we dont invest in the things that are important for God, the world will influence us to waste the precious time we have.