

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Life refined III

The Life refined III

Today I would like to share another insight hopefully that will bless you, as I reflected on Joseph life, I began to see similarity between mine and his… of course I don’t have that many brothers nor have been sold into slavery. But I have gone through many issues in my life that many times I had to choose if I should stand strong or fall.

God had great plan for him, but because Joseph needed refining, God had to send him through the fire. It took Joseph almost 20 years for the prophecy to fulfil. The thing is I learned that even though the situation seems dire and bad. It was also God’s planned that he was sold so that God’s prophecy can start to unravel. Of course Joseph would not have known then, but God knew what He was doing….

Let analyse his life more in detail – if he had been sulking and depressed, he would not have been sold to Pothipar, And once a slave if had choose to run, he would have missed God’s ultimate plan, If he had slept with Pothipar’s wife, he would not have been thrown to jail and if had not been in jail he would not have met the cup bearer and bread maker, if had not met them he would not have met Pharaoh and helped to interpret his dreams, and he would not have risen to the position of second to Pharaoh
Life is full of “IF” – If you choose to walk with God, one day when you look back you will see how God have brought you closer and closer to your destiny each time you obey.

The thins is God needed Joseph to obey, and when Joseph obeyed, every step of obedience draws him closer to God’s promises for his life. Joseph knew that, when he met his brother after 20 years, he told them in Gen 45:4-5 Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Come close to me." When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.

You know everyone has a choice to choose how they want to respond to adversity and temptations. I think I can safely say the top 3 temptations are lust, power, wealth. I believe everyone of us, will go through this… and of course adversity in another testing. – Are you jobless, are you sick, have you been betrayed, cheated of money, stabbed in the back by friends, feeling life is meaningless…. I guaranteed Joseph at times would have felt this way…the thing was he responded to it. What about us?

Recently, I have to make some difficult choices in life, and what helped me to choose… God was that I know that every time I make a choice to obey, I will draw closer and closer to God’s promise for my life….

I believe you can too…