

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008) - Not a movie for the fainthearted

The movie came out in Australia on Thursday, but since it was near to the weekend, we decided to organise a group outing and 10 people turned for the dinner and movie night. We book the Firehouse Bar and Bistro situated in Belmont and was pleasantly surprised by the food on offer.
That review I will save for another day, but if you must go try the BBQ Ribs, its "heavenlicious"
The ribs were grilled to perfection and the the meat just falls off the bone when you bit into it. It is a must try.

But in anycase, we did not forget about tonight's main event which is Batman - The Dark Knight. Especially after the untimely death of Heath Ledger, which leads to the movie's mystique. You can't help but wonder if there was a link between his death and that of Brendon lee, both wore quite similar make-up, one in Batman and the other in Crow. Maybe we should scarp the make-up altogether. Though Heath is gone, his legacy will remain, will this be his finest film ? Many argue that it certainly is, well that was what i wanted to find out.

The movie directed by Christopher Nolan was the sequel to Batman Begin, what i really like in this new installment is the continuity of the movie instead of the usual cut and chop of the previous installment that sometimes makes no sense.

The movie took off where it ended in Batman Begins with Christopher Bale " Bruce Wayne" living in his penthouse instead of the usual Bruce Manor because in the previous movie, it was burned and razed by his mentor Henri Ducard. The love of his life on the other hand have found another man and left Bruce a little bruised in his ego.

While the mob bosses, have turned from lions to mice, scurrying away at the sight of the Bat signal lighting the Gotham sky. In comes the Joker, trying to get a piece of action. This time round the joker was darker and edgier. In my opinion much better than joker in the first installment with Jack Nicholas, this is not to say Jack was a bad actor, but just that this time round Batman was a movie meant more for the grown-up child within all of us "Gen-X"ers, who was raised on a staple diet of cartoon comics, then the little kids of today. This is NOT a family movie so if you think about bringing your little toddler, I'd suggest you leave them at home.

The first joker Jack did a good job, but Heath just took it to a whole new level. The joker was not only evil but a real psychopath, who would kill to get what he wants. You just would never expect what he would come up with. Just when you thought he was caught, then came another twist and another turn in the movie.

Kris my buddy pointed out this was close to the comics as the true origin of the Joker was never truly discussed in DC comics, when he first appeared in Batman #1 ( 1940). But I must say Heath outdid himself, in his attempt

The story actually have 3 themes running - One which discusses about Bruce and his coming to term with his role as Batman, the second is the appearance and the ultimate apprehension of the Joker and third the first appearance and story behind Harvey "2 face", Bruce's rival in love. A man who who Gotham's shining knight but in a twist of fate become Gotham's dark knight.

For those who have not watched the movie be prepared for a long long night. This movie is over 2 hours long. And is deep and dark through and through. But ultimately a great movie to watch .
If you decided to watch, remember to take a big bucket of pop-corn and a large coke. Its going to be a long ride, but a really good one.