Someone once told me that as Christian we should always serve God in the ministry, but if Life is a ministry then Church ministry is part of the equation, not the whole equation. Because we are called differently and are part of the body in the church. Therefore we cannot all be called to be leaders in the church or serve God full time.
Yes.. of course we have to serve God fully, but i believe the word fully... is different for different people because we are all created differently. Some are called to be businessman so that they can provide finance, some are called to be teachers, some are called to be musicians. Putting a single direction for everyone... would in reality cause more problem.
And the key is that this principle is also found in the bible... God separated the 12 tribes of israel to different roles. Levites were the priests, the danites were the builders.... etc. In the new testament, we see that in 1 Corinthians where God said that there are many parts but one body. And many of us are called to different roles in the kingdom
I think the misconception for most people is that they confuse service to God and the role of a Christian . I believe that all Christian should develop their relationship with God, all christian should live their life as a light in the world, they should be a soul winner and one with a great character and exhibit the fruit of the spirit. Then everything else is a ministy unto God - Family, work, church