Aquarium Chinese Restaurant
- 202 Great Eastern Hwy
Ascot 6104 WA
Everything in there is so upmarket that, everytime i go in with my slippers, t-shirt and shorts, i always somehow feel under dress. Lydia and Esther walked behind in case i got kicked out, but its not my fault, its a restaurant in the suburbs, what can they expect. Anyway we got in there alright, as long as you have the money, they would be happy to serve you.
This restaurant, would have beat many other chinese restaurant hands-down in terms of ambiance and design decor, no RED PILLARS, BIG CHINESE LANTERNS, what a relief. It was modern and contemporary. So the moment you enter, you somehow expect with great anticipation what dishes are in store that will whet your appetite. I heard Eugene and Esther chan had their engagement party there, so if hong kong people eat there, it should be good and rightly so.
There were some usual suspect dishes that you can tell was more catered to the Australian taste buds rather than the asian. But if you were abit more discerning, you can pick out good dishes as well. Unfortunately though, the dishes is not cheap especially those which are catered towards the asian taste buds, lets just say that unless you have a deep pocket. I suggest you avoid this place, if not i might see you washing plates at the place during my next visit.
The price ranges anyway between $20-$40 for standard dishes and Seafood to the hundreds. Of course, i do admit having tasted the steam fish on previous occasion, the quality of the food was exquisite. I suppose they have to ensure its fresh and the dishes are exceptional, with the amount we pay, i would lodge a complain if its not.
Anyway, overall i can give it a 7/10. The only thing that brought it down was orginality of the dishes. There is nothing in there that, i have not tried before, but quality and ambience wise, fantastic !

Aquarium Chicken - Not bad at all

Chilli pepper squid- Not the best but still edible

Boxing Chicken - What can i say, fried chicken with tomato sauce

Beef Kailan - Ok this one is nice, well cooked and tasty
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