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Monday, June 30, 2008

Who is this man ?

On Saturday, we were suppose to go to facial but the lady who was suppose to open the shop, threw out the wrong key and we were force to wait 45 minutes. The appointment had to be re-scheduled and in the end we decided to go shopping instead.We met up with Chong Yee and went for Dim Sum and it was there that we met something really unusual. At first, I thought my eyes was playing a trick on me but maybe its for people to decide.I met a man who is...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kungfu Panda (2008)

Wow !! What can i say ! Watched this on Sunday night and I can truly say we have a new champion for animated cartoons. I never thought any animated cartoon could have overtook my favorite Monster Inc, but i think this one could be it. - Kungfu Panda ( 2008) !Among some of my favorites were : Monster Inc, Toy Story, Shrek. But this one beats them hands down. If you ask me, i think it is the pure absence of those annoying songs that Walt Disney...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Really ingenious answers

Below are some samples of exams questions when students are stressed out. I suppose students are getting more enterprising. Its better to try then to leave it bl...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Devotion passage - Matt 7

Matt 7:15-23A Tree and Its Fruit 15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. 21"Not everyone who...

Stomp the Yard & Step up 2

Seems like hollywood is creating a lot of great dance movies. After watching so many dance movies, i would definitely rank these 2 as one of my favorite dance movie of all time. It reminds me of the good old days at my secondary school, when we use to practice dance steps and going to club. I still remember myself, david, mike Lim choreograph a dance routine.After watching the movie, i wanted to get off my feet and those sweet moves, but alas the only thing that probably i am capable now is some belly dancing. Well i am sure me, kris and vic would...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Mess with the Zohan

Just watch this movie on Monday, with Kev and Jialin. My wife wanted to watch this as well. Well with Adam Sandler in the movie, i thought at least it should be reasonable and i was not too disappointed. I have not watched the trailer so i do not know what to expect, but i thought lets give it a shot.If you do not know about this movie then here is a quick synopsis :This is the story about a Mossad agent Zohan Dvir, who fakes his death so he can...

Definitely Maybe

After doing the pool with Allen, because my housemate Kris was too lazy in his room doing his usual afternoon routine and Victor was nowhere to be seen probably off chasing stuff. But thanks to him most of the poolside is done.And after a nice evening Sunday dinner, we decided to rent a nice movie to watch on a relax evening. So we choose a movie called "definitely maybe" , it was sort of a romantic drama. Directed by Adam Brooks. With Ryan Reynolds...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Twin Dragon Chinese Restaurant

Ok ! I know its cliche but What a find ! These little restaurant hidden in the middle the heartland of Southland suburb is like a diamond in the ruff. The place looks a litle tired and the menus were written in broken englis. When I first step in, i thought this was it ! What did i get myself into !!Well, the first sign that I shouldn't just judge the book by its cover, is when I saw next to us a group of aunites chomping away at the the foods with...

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

What an interesting movie !!! I thought this was a sequel to the previous hulk. But apparently this was a remake of the old Ang Lee's incredible hulk. My brother Kris told me, this was done by Marvel studio so not only it is staying more true to the original hulk, but it is finally linking all the super hero movies together for the one big Movie - THE AVENGER in 2012So if you are not a comic geek like my brother Kris and like to know more about the...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3:10 to Yuma

Watched this DVD last night, sounded like a chinese movie but anyway since Russell was in it, i thought it should be ok. Its an remake of an old western flick. The story lack depth and like old western film the dialogue was not so easy for the uninitiated in English.Simple storyline, but there are parts that made no sense. Maybe its the old western movies. You see the bad guys and their posse ride into town their wanted people, no one stops them...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What an eventful week - quick update

After the computer drama, i thought all was over. But every day something interesting happens, i suppose we have to take it on the chin when it comes. I got my access card for the city parking, but the card is having a hard time reading on the machine, so i have to keep pressing the intercom the whole week, hopefully i will get a new card soon.Then 2 days ago, the western power fuse blew and caused a major blackout in our house. It was good time playing hide and seek. But we decided to sleep since it was 11pm. But i can say western power was pretty...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

From 2 to 4

What an interesting weekend ! My computer decided to go on a hooky and shut down 5 of the 6 sata ports, burn 2 of the 4 memory chips and created memory havoc on the hard drive. But though many died, there was still a remnant remaining in the previous computer and i manage to salvage many parts. Needless to say it was a tedious weekend trying to fix the "old boy". I would have more luck making my housemate Kris do a belly dance. Anyway send it to the pros to get it sorted out and now its a new and improve - Quad Core, 4 gig processor.Though the...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Some interesting news from around the world

HE was once the heaviest man in the world. But Manuel Uribe, the Mexican dubbed 'half-tonne man' plans to get married. And he hopes to stand on his own two feet for the first time in years so that he can walk down the aisle for his wedding. But for now, he weighs 324kg and can do little more than sit up in bed, reported the Telegraph. <script language="JavaScript1.1" src=""></script>...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

BIRD is coming and Kris is Moving

Yes ! My house has official become a village. 5 people in 3 bedroom house. My sister-in-law, Bird is coming this weekend ! My wife will be happy, at least got someone to talk to besides me. Kris will be sad cause he is moving back in with Victor, and Victor will be happy cause finally ! Kris is back in his room to hear the nightly musical from Victor. To be a good friend, i have decided to buy some earplugs just in case.Looks like a bigger house is in store, so will be praying that God can open up the door and hopefully the market will drop in...

The Food and Wine Show

wa wine & food Perth Convention Exhibition Centre -- JULY 11, 12, 13 2008 Show Hours: Friday 11 July - 10am - 6pm Saturday 12 July - 10am to 6pm Sunday 13 July - 10am to 5pm Ticket PricesShow Entry Ticket Prices (incl. GST) Adult $25 Child (6-16yrs)~$16Groups (10+)$20 ...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One of My Favourite Movie

Basic 2003John Travolta ... HardyConnie Nielsen ... OsborneSamuel L. Jackson ... WestThis is one of my favorite movies of all time, If you have not watched it. I highly recommend this movie. Go to blockbuster or something. If i am not watching Stephen Chow, Jim Carrey or comedy genre movies. I like to watch movies that make my brain think for once.Most movies are so predictable, that you sort of know the ending before the ending comes. Most film...

Prince Caspian - 6/10

So many reviews say that it was better than the first one. And almost on par with Lord of the rings. I went in with a bit of apprehension, you can never trust reviews. Of course you can't take my review wholesale also, one man's meat another man's poison.My housemate Victor loves oldies and those stereotype damsel in distress movies, while the other room mate loves Sci-Fi, comedy and also actoin. My wife loves thrillers, while i love action, comedy...

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Christian Drumming King

I was chatting with Esther recently and the topic of good drummer came up. She told me she saw a video of a very good drummer. Then i was reminded of this group introduced to me by my friend Steven chow, called Tourniquet.In the Christian Pop and Heavy metal culture. He is apparently the best drummer in the Christian circle and I think ranks among the top 15 best in the world. He is seriously very good, he writes all the songs in the group and I think its the only few Christian band that features drummers are one of the lead.Some of their music...

Griff Restaurant - Belmont

GRIFF RESTAURANTUnit 5 / 237 Knutsford Avenue,Cloverdale WA 6105The Saturday night we were home earlier than expected so we thought we should spend sometime relaxing. So guess what ! We did our annual ritual, that is to open the Entertainment book account with a visit to Griff restaurant in Belmont. This is the 3rd year in a row, Griff was our first place of visit. Their food was tasty for a cafe, and locating beside reading cinema helped as well.If...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Aquarium Restaurant - Perth

Aquarium Chinese Restaurant202 Great Eastern HwyAscot 6104 WAThis was one of the chinese restaurant that was located near my place. We had tried it once before and thought since Lydia was with us, we decided to give this place another go. I read many reviews on the the restaurant online, this place i can say was designed to WOW the Aussies.Everything in there is so upmarket that, everytime i go in with my slippers, t-shirt and shorts, i always somehow...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Korean BBQ restaurant

Last friday, was the Curtin's staff celebration for Winston's ( i think that is how his name is spelled), birthday. And we went to a Korean Buffet at Myaree. I was invited by default because of my wife and Kah Sang was also invited on default because of Vivien.Well i can say finally !! A korean buffet !! It was hard trying to find a korean buffet because i think Aussie's eat too much and korean style buffet would be deem an unprofitable venture....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Saowanee's Place - The best thai

What a place to be ! Of all the thai restaurant, i think this has got to be one of the best. In terms of taste and texture, I can certainly say this one beats Thai Corner anytime, it would be a close call though with Dusit thai, which have an impressive array of dishes.But this place is a homely, great if you like a cosy and friendly atmosphere. The owners are friendly and would come out often to greet the customers.One of my favorite dishes is the...