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Friday, February 26, 2010

American Idol

4 gone and 20 more to go... my current fav is Andrew Garcia and Most of the girl singers. The guys were abit lame this season.I fast forward most of them as i could not bear watching them. People like Tim Urban and Alex Lambert look so out of place.Toddrick well, there have been a number of negative media on him, he looks a little corky so probably will not support him .To me, nothing beats season 8. I think Adam Lambert brought me back to music.Cannot wait for next week. .. to see if any idol contestant will make me excit...

The Perfect Risotto

Came across this while watching Heston's show In search of perfection. I cannot let this recipe get away and will be sure to perfect this in my next dinner menu. Will plan for a dinner special on Christbelle's birthday.In this recipe, Heston uses grams for both solid and liquid measurements for pinpoint accuracy. To weigh liquids, any suitable container can be placed on digital scales and the scales reset to zero. Ingredients:For the basmati-infused...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New year Dinner 3

I thought i should write this down in case i forget the recipe as it was really nice dish.Stewed Pork with Fried Tofu.I did this a little different, I marinated the pork in soy sauce, rice wine and deep fry it. to get the crispy texture. Then I heated up the pot and put in half a bulb of garlic. After some light frying, I add in the pork and the marinate left over. I pour in some soy sauce, sugar, sweet sauce, rice wine to get the sauce at a level...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

American Idol is on again

Yes !! Finally something to come back home to on weekday nights. Currently the hottest singer is Andrew Garcia. He sounds a bit like Danny Gokey but I think more talented, it helps too that he is a musician and has already a huge youtube following.He has a alot of videos online, where he has done concerts for amateur. Another singer caught my eye too, this girl called Cathy Nguyen which she does a number of duet with Andrew. Her voice is not too bad, i won't say she has a powerful voice or the best female singer i have heard, but probably as an...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Perth best of the best

Here is the list of the 2009 winner of perth restaurant. I wont judge the Western Restaurant but I think, many times when the Australians pick the best asian restaurant, they are often too westernised for the asian taste bud. My theory is simple, if you see more westerners eating at the restarant, then its not really worth it to go. I went to tey the food at Melbourne supposedly famed Thai restaurant and it was just too westerised.But since we are here in Perth, we should see what Perth has got to offer...Asian Cuisine WinnerHa-Lu - Never tried......