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Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert trying too hard to entertain

I just finished watching Adam Lambert's performance, and I wasn't really entertain. Rather than letting his voice do the talking, he tried too hard to shock the people to accept his performance.I have no doubt he had a great voice but the over the top gyrating and suggestive dancing is so distracting from the singing.Adam needs to remember, that it is the public that buys the album, if the public is turned away and album sales drop so does his chance of making it in the music industry. He mentioned that he was a singer, entertainer and businessman,...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Adam Lambert Album out soon

I have decided to dedicate this week to Adam Lambert and see if i can convert some of my friends.I must admit Adam have some pretty amazing songs which he sang during idol. His current new album is available for listen on must say for a 1st album done in 2 months, the compilation is not too shabby. It does have a song for almost everyone. The album has alot of 70s and 80s feel, it reminds me of Ace of Base, Depeche Mode, with the electronic sound. I like the songs but I do wish that he could show case...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Awaiting for the new album

Yes, another week and the New Adam Lambert album will be out in store.I was looking at one of his performance and decided to make a comparison for this song called feeling Good. I think each singer did a pretty awesome Job, Adam had a bit more grunt in the song though.This is Nina Simone a Jazz singer as well...This one is from Michael Buble ... not bad.. very Jazz...This is by MUSE - Adam's Fav groupHere is one by Adam Lambert..Sometimes its good when so many artist sing the same song so you can get a good feel of the so...

Sunday, November 15, 2009


WHY WOMEN SHOULDN'T TAKE MEN SHOPPINGAfter I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boringand preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, mywife is like most women - she loves to browse.Yesterday my dear wife received the followingletter from the local Target.Dear Mrs.HudsonOver the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotionin our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have beenforced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaintsagainst...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My friends

Patrick Ng... THE MAN..Vic the "Old Man" - Celebrating his 40th BirthdayNo candles.. on cake... too many cant fit on cake... so decided to just go out for din...

My new dishes

I was in an experimental mood one night as Bird was also having her exam, so i decided to try something new.First i did a soup - Preserved Veg with Sliced fishHoney Baked Char SiewXO Spinach with Sliced ChickenMy fav was still the Char Siew. I think i can do this again.. nice...

Capriz Review

Here is a restaurant, that is really intresting. It is a Vietnamese owned Italian restaurant. We were figuring out what to eat before CG and stumbled upon this quaint little take away near Galleria.And my guess was right, they have asian style Pizza, so i decided to try the Thai chilli chicken pizza, when the pizza came, it was crispy and with an interesting chinese feel to it. The fish and chips were also nice, the batter was crispy and the chips...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Campaigning for Late Night in Perth

It is with regret that i learned that Perth is 10 years behind the eastern states. My friend told me that Perth was like what Melbourne was when his parents was in School. When he first moved over from Melbourne he had a rude cultural shock. Now apparently, Melbourne had shops that opens 24 hours and on weekends. In fact the 1st week he came to perth, he went to Innaloo on a sunday thinking it was open, but to his horror. Shops are closed. I think as perth population grow it is about time we start to take abit more initiative to get rid of the...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Climb... by Miley Cyrus

It is interesting to see that so many guy singers.. will make a cover of this song... here are the original and some of my favMr Guy Sabestian.... doing his thing...Ahmir... doing his thing.. Good voice.Stan from Australian IdolEven Kelly Clarkson did a jam session... with her friendThe original by MileyAn acapella version by AhmirWhich is your fav ??...

Monday, November 9, 2009

A lesson from Man U defeat

As i sat there, trying to keep my eyes open to watch Man u play Chelsea. I came to one poignant conclusion, this is not Man U's year.We might not like it but one thing that cannot be denied, Cristiano Ronaldo brought another class to Man U team. Even though we had Rooney, Berbatov and Giggs. Everyone paled in comparison to Ronaldo. He alone carried the team the past 2 seasons, the gulf in class become more painfully clear, we need someone special.So, this interesting question came to my mind, are leaders made or born ? Books keep telling us that...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My office on Melbourne Cup day

I call him "Ghandi" - He is Vegan... only eats VegThe girls on Melbourne Cup with their weird hatsThe winner of the most crazy hatThis is "big voice" she is the voice of the Comp...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Crazy night of japanese food

aWe had to do sushi for Sat's Hope Family day. So after badminton, a group of us went to my place to do the sushi. We were obviously starving after one night of exercise. So I decided to make some Japanese food to eat. Chong yee will scream once he knows what we eat at 10.30pm at night..Our supper menu1. Soft-shell crab sushi roll - with Mayo, Mustard and Avocardo2. Grilled Teriyaki Beef - I had sliced Sirlon and also... WAGYU beef... mmmmm3. Rocket...

Spinach with 3 egg recipe

This dish is one of my wife favourite dish and also my parents, so i normally do this dish when they are over here. It is really a simple dish to do.The main ingredients are1. 1 bunch -Spinach more if you like...2. 3 pieces of garlic or more if you like ( dont chop) but remove the white outer skin3. Normal egg4. Century egg - chopped5. Salted egg6. Chicken stock - can use chicken cube or canned soup8 Fish sauce9. Fried shallots10 - Cornflour and...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet"

This is also fast becoming my fav song... nice catchy tune...I am prob in a music blog craze at the moment... dont mind me...

Lady Gaga - Fever

I need to blog this just in case i lost the link... this is the same Fever on Adam Lambert album. This is Lady Gaga demo for Adam... this will be a great h...

Kappy's Restaurant

Kappy's italian restaurant home | main menu | set menu | take out menu | location location 120 Swan street, Guildford WA 6055 Phone- (08) 6278 2882 From the City via great eastern highway:travel to guildford approx 13 km from city...

Awiaiting my fav album

Yes, that is right Adam Lambert, Lady GAGA even Susan Boyle will be releasing their album on or around 23 NovHere is the snippets for adam's album.. pretty impressive... Ok... told my wife this can be my birthday present... I will go buy Bon Jovi... myself.. mmmmmmm....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2010 - A year of marriage

Just booking my calender for next year.. and man... have i got so many wedding to attend to. My last count was 4 in the first 6 months... I would be broke man... better start saving more money now. Well... I suppose, we all need to go through it someday.. So people remember to save up.. in case... you have no money... Next yr OC is in Gold Coast.. would be nice to go.. but we will see... money is tight.. so will think more about ...

We weren't born to follow

Bon Jovi - We Weren't Born To FollowSonshine was playing this in the morning on my way to work. I must say i have always love Bon Jovi. They were one of my first fav rock band. I had most of their albums and some songs are really classic.Here is their latest single called We weren't born to follow.Great lyrics...We Weren't Born To Follow lyricsThis one goes out to the man who minds the miraclesThis one goes out the ones in needThis one goes out the sinner and the cynicalThis ain't about no apologyThis road was paved by the hopeless and the hungryThis...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Life is full of Drama

Life never sits still. One day you have to do this and the next something else crop up. The new build is much harder than i expected, I have to do the retaining wall which is an additional cost. But this if not done, then there won't be a house. So now i have to throw in 20K plus to do the retaining wall.So far everything is according to budget and i managed to save on some areas which was good.Recently there was also some side drama happening, which i won't elaborate but all i can say is in life we have to make is a choice. We cannot choose to...