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Monday, August 31, 2009

When music really soothes you

There is a saying Music soothes the savage beast and this cannot be more true. Everytime, i need something to boost me up, bring into a reflective mood or just keep me sane. Music has always been my friends. Some songs are so powerful that you can play it the whole day and it just have this effect on you.During my trip to Singapore, I recently found a wonderful CD called Aiza Seguerra. Her voice is absolutely divine, her CD was one that just pop...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Seafood in Bangkok

My father-in-law took us to a coastal seafood restaurant to have a seafood meal. we orderedTom Yum Prawns, Fish, Baked Prawns, Crab fried rice, Crab Som Tum, Shell fish with fried Chilli, Fish cake, beer and desertAnd guess what it cost less than $100.... to say it is cheap is an understatement. The food was nice, there was a lot of lady boys there though which were serving us. Maybe its the rural area but, i do not understand why boys wants to...

Christabelle's first roll-over

This trip is the many first for Christabelle, this is her first international trip, her first visit to Thailand and 1st taste of a successful roll. Her 1st seat on the plane.. and her 1st drink !!Her Barcardi !!! Her roll came yesterday ---19 Aug 2009.... Blogging to remember just in case next time she marry ... she needs the i...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Chrsitabelle's 1st international trip

Our baby girl's first interntional trip at 4 months she is travelling to Singapore and Thailand. She is made in Australia so she has an Australian Passport. Here are the photos of her trip... Our parents had a big feast which i will show... laterQueing up at the Perth Airport - 12 midnight... she is almost dying of tiredness At the Singapore airport.... I am seeing double vision - 6am in the morning Her 1st trip to the ION shopping centre in singapore...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

OH MY GOD...! Bruce Lee AMAZING !!

I have been thinking for sometime now to learn Jeet Kune do and this next 6 months, i will start my intensive physical trainign to get back into shape. But what an amazing skill Bruce Lee has... I can truly say he is a once in a life time legend. They will never be or never will be anyone like himMy friend told me Bruce Lee brother will come out for the first time to tell the real movie story and make it into a movie. Also they have released never before seen videos of Bruce Lee.Here are 2 amazing videos which you got to see to believe.. Bruce...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quick DVD updates

Been watching a number of new releases lately. Here are my recommendationA couple of movies were a surprise hit with me1. Wedding Daze - Good comedy.2. Confession of a shopaholic - Not too bad, I think it was done in Chinese before by Sammi Cheng. This is the English versionWatchmen - This movie is abit like Sin City style kind of movie, so if you dont like Sin city then this movie is not for you. But I do like the theme of the movie though. Its always fascinating wondering about the moral theme of Necessary Evil. I learned that in University,...

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

First time i saw the movie, i cannot catch heads or tail. It was long and no big fight scenes, spend 2 hours plus and all i saw was the death of Dumbledore. I think it came with a lot of hype but many of us were really let down in the movie.I do think though the only way to see this movie is like a sort of prequel to the final episode. Its abit like Lord of the ring. The good stuff only happens right at the end. So unless you have read Deathly hallows,...