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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Spa

Christabelle having a spa bath...

Latest as of today


New Baby Photos

FINALLY !! The internet is back up and running, after 2 weeks or torture at 64kbps, we are finally unshaped.Here are the new baby photos of Christabe...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Adam Lambert lost because of technology

I read many comments and found that in Arkansas where Kris Allen resides, his supporters were using some machine to dial through the votes. I initially thought the reason Adam lost because people voted against him but if the reports were correct, Arkansas a state of 2.8 million people actually managed to vote 38 million times, which seems unbelievable.Thus Kris Allen win was because someone used the dialing machine to cast the votes and not because he was actually a better singer. I hope AI will start to review the voting process so that it will...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Adam’s Lambert lost was a blessing in disguise.

Adam’s Lambert lost was a blessing in disguise. I have been following idol for the entire season and I must say in terms of vocal ability Adam Lambert beats the entire contestant hands down. Theatrical or not, if its based on singing range, Adam has the gift, for as long as I can remember, I have yet to find someone who could actually own a Michael Jackson until Adam came along with his take on Black or White.In fact, the one reason Adam lost was because mathematically he would be voted out, from the time Danny Gokey got kicked out. I knew for...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My current pastime

Took sometime to relax today and realise that some of my fav pastime have been watching the American Idol, Looking at new houses and of course feeding and tending the baby.I think i should look for something else to do but still have no idea what.. it was either learn guitar or learn Thai. Once i get the housing contract settled, i shall embark on this new odyssey and see if i can master another language. At least when 90% of my household talks i can understand... yes.. thats right now i feel like i am living in Thailand. There are 7 people in...

Champions once again

Premier Champions !!! 2008 /09Liverpool tried their best, but it was not to be... the best team Won.... eventually. Now i shall wait for the much anticipated Barcelona vs. Man U finals.Three Cheers !...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Knowing your baby

My life - ChristabelleMy goodness, its been almost a month already and her crying is starting to get longer and longer. You often have to guess what in the world she wants cause unfortunately many parents, baby cannot speak.I have learned over this 2 months, some interesting habits of babies...and here is my observation1. If babies are hungry they will suck their hand or move their mouth when they cry Here is a typically baby reaction when they are...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Singapore Aware SAGA

I have read and follow with great amusement recently with the AWARE sage. On side, christian the other side Feminist and Lesbian Activist. I think though people who voted out the Christian members need to realise that if their Vote was a religious issue, then they have missed out the point. The point is the feminist movement promoted seriously immoral stand which would not go well with other religion. Lesbianism is not an accepted behaviour in any religion. Sometimes people take rights to far I think certain issues must never be brought up in a...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Brit wins 'best job in the world'

This job would have been great for my brother Kris.....Brit wins 'best job in the world'May 08, 2009 Print Ready Email Article A BUNGEE jumping, ostrich-riding British charity worker was named the winner of what has been dubbed the 'Best Job in the World' - a six-month contract to serve as caretaker of an Australian island.Click to see larger imageWELL DONE: Winner Ben Southall (right) of Britain is congratulated by Greg Reynen (left) of Singapore. PICTURE: AFPMr Ben Southall, 34, beat nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for the...

American Idol Finale

Yes, after months of watching Idol, its finally down to the final 3. I was a little sad Allison got kicked out but what can i say, Kris and Danny have more fans than Allison.Now as of course, my favorite is still Adam Lambert, as he had more songs that I would buy then Kris or Allen. For me I initially supported Danny but during the whole competition, nothing really stood out, as for Kris he had one song that really had me impressed and i would consider listening which is " she works hard for the money" which i think was unique and beautifully...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Photos from Christabelle's one month Birthday
