Friday, April 24, 2009
The toughest nights
5:40 PM
I think one of the toughest thing about having a baby is the constant 24 hours.... feeding, changing of diapers and the consistent crying. So, for the sake of my beauty sleep i am adopting the CIO method to see if it will work.I tried it today, at short intervals.. and by the 6th minute... she is asleep.. Hallelujah.... its still early days... but i understand routine is very important. because the baby knows and remember... so fixed routine is is something for expectant parents.... What is the "cry it out" method?People often...
Christabelle's self-potrait
When she is annoyed... this is how she looks...That is after milk.... dooppy... like on drugs...Milk is like alcohol to them...Trying Belly time....While i was trying to burppp her....I think Taishi was doing somethingAfter playtime and foodJust normal...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fusion Recipe
I made a couple of great dishes during my wife confinement...My new Dish - Wasabi Beef with Kilpatrick Sauce ( I think no one tried this ever.. but beleive its delicious.. I was pleasantly surprise too. Then i made ginger chicken with Black fungus, and also Spinach with 3 eggs.Kilparticjk Sauce - Tomatoe Sauce, Worschester Sauce are the 2 main ingredient. I prob will make this on my baby's one month..If anyone wants the recipe i will gladly put it...
Christabelle's new photos
Fatherhood is tiring.... 24hours 7-eleven feeding.. my goodness, this little thing can really eat... i wonder if someone can invent autmatic feeding machine that will pump milk when baby is hungry.More PhotosChristabelle's first bathchristabelle's sleeping post .... trust me... this is heaven...Will post more photos....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Xiao Xin and Xiao Bai
My favourite cartoon is La Bi Xiao Xin... and now I almost had the real thing... not sure if its a coincidence... cute.. huh....Xiao Bai Xiao ...
Monday, April 13, 2009
9:52 AM
Its a nice change... our HGI movement have recently changed to H.I.M : Hope International Movement i think.So welcome everyone to HIM...
First lunch from Hospital
6:50 AM
Yes our first lunch was at Jus Burger at leederville. It was big and it was delicious. Well of course i did order the Wagyu burger but the burger as expected was not top grade wagyu but still i am happy chappy.The waiter gave us a wrong order so in the end we had 5 burgers for the price of 4.Mmmmmm... finger licking g...
Christabelle Han
Yes it is no Joke... My daughter was born on 1st April 2009. I was half expecting the doctor totell me congratulation, You have a son. But yes, she was late in coming to this world and last 2 weeks was a daze, so that is why i have not been blogging. So finally... with a little time i decided to put up the picture of Christabelle.Cutting the cordThe arrival ...Mum and babyGrandparentsI keep thinking she looks like Xiao Xin. For a new born she certainly...