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Saturday, January 31, 2009

More posting on the way

Yes... i am finally free... i am currently sitting down waiting for my fav team to play against Everton and watching a boring Arsenal vs West Ham with Bird and Pep...Scoreline still stands at 0-0 happy.I have decided this year to make my blog tag abit better and also to tag all my post... so that people can find recipes i want to postCategory i am thinking1. Food Recipe2. Jokes3. General rantHopefully this year i can take some time to improve my bl...

Friday, January 30, 2009

What a day !!

What a exasperating day ! Theft at my office today and my mobile was stolenI am pretty sure it was the CLEANERS... so if you work in the office please be careful of your stuff.Now let me relate the story....Yesterday, at 6pm i realised that i left my mobile in the office. I called the office and asked Caroline who happen to be still there to leave it in the drawer as i thought it would be safe as nothing had happen before.But this morning when i arrive at work, my mobile was not in the drawer and whats more there was a mobile call made to American...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Been awhile since my last post, was so busy with my friends wedding presentation, was scratching my head for a while to try and do a nice presentation, so i came up with the Condor Hero. I was still having problems with Kev's face.. need to find one which is looking to the right.It will be tight but hopefully i can make the presentation in ti...

Kum Heong Chicken

Here is the recipe for the Kum Heong Chicken I cooked on Sunday. Its a very simple dish,which you can try Kum Heong Kai ~ Golden Spicy Fragrant Chicken A relatively simple recipe with very few ingredients yet producing a dish with very intense flavour. It is spicy but not 'hot'. This is the healthy version as I prefer not to deep fry the chicken.Ingredients6 drumsticks or 1kg chicken, cut to pieces1 tbsp sugar2 tbsp light soy sauce1 tbsp cooking...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mechanic vs Doctor

Mechanic Verses DrGood Clean Jokes <bgsound src="" loop=infinite> Morris the loudmouth mechanic was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he spotted the famous heart surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey, who was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come take...

Church Bulletin Bloopers

Church Bulletin Bloopers Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services: 1. Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Named and shamed: WA's filthiest restaurants exposed

Named and shamed: WA's filthiest restaurants exposedA French restaurant in the leafy suburb of Nedlands has joined fast food chains McDonalds, Chicken Treat and Nando's on the list of WA restaurants prosecuted for health breaches in 2008.According to figures released by the Department of Health, 18 WA food outlets were prosecuted for unhygienic practices last year - up from 13 outlets fined in 2007.Food purveyors named and shamed by local authority health inspectors last year were:. La Cascade Restaurant, Nedlands - Fined $9250 for vermin in restaurant,...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Apple Caviar

Apple Caviar version en español » Chef Ferrán Adriá of El Bulli - Roses, Spain As demonstrated at Lo Mejor de la Gastronomía 2003 Adapted by StarChefs Yield: 10 Servings Ingredients: Apple Juice1 ¼ pounds golden apples Apple Reduction¾ pound Granny Smith apples Caviar 8 ounces Apple Juice½ teaspoon Alginato 1/8 teaspoon citric acid ...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Perth Best Thai Restaurant

Thai Esarn Restaurant1/5 Beechboro Rd, BayswaterNow I am not joking when i say that this restaurant serves up the most authentic Thai dishes. Its no wonder you hardly see any Westerners. We went there for the second time this week and i guarantee that most Aussies would find this a little off their usual taste buds. And if you want authentic thai, its spicy likin good. You got to try their off-the menu dishes.We ordered 6 dishes, 4 of those were...

Roast Black Sesame Seed Pralin

Here is a recipe which i would be dying to try. Its a recipe by Elbulli's famous chef. Its a 30seconds sponge Cake. Cooked in Mircowave.I saw this on Anothony Bourdain and found a post on the recipe. Its abit blur just ... double click to enlarge and you will see the rec...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christian Leadership and Authority

One of the very interesting topic that was often discussed is Christian Leadership. I think many leaders including myself when i first started out have often assumed the role of a totalitarian leadership. I used to assume leadership position when given require others to submit.During my early years, leading the youth group, through the mistakes I made , i came to realise one very important fact. Even though my leaders may give me the title of a care leader or unit leader or any leadership position, it does not entail others to automatically submit....

Thai Esarn restaurant

Thai Esarn Restaurant1/5 Beechboro Rd, BayswaterOn saturday, we went to try out this Thai restaurant, which was recommended by a friend of Bird. Apparently they serve very authentic thai food, so we had to go and check it out. Currently the ranking for my favourite thai restaurant is as such1. Saowanee Thai ( Along Fitzgerald St in perth)2. Dusit Thai3. Thai Corner4. Thailand Restaurant ( city)The rest... well I cannot say any that made it to my...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bible Joke

A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, Genesis 3:10."Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door...

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to HeavenA redhead, brunette and blonde were on their way to Heaven.God told them the stairway to Heaven was 1000 steps, and on every 5th step He’d tell them a joke. But, they must not laugh or else they couldn’t enter heaven.The brunette went first and started laughing on the 65th step, so she could not enter Heaven.The redhead went next and started laughing on the 320th step, so she could not enter Heaven either.Then, it was the blonde’s turn. When she got to the 999th step, she started laughing.“Why are you laughing?” God asked. “I...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Repentance is only skin deep

One recent lesson i learnt and have an opportunity to witness is the principle laid down by God in the bible, for repentance is only skin deep if we thought that we can get away with sinning against God by just saying that you repent. . If we sinned against God then, i think we need to expect some consequence of our action. The higher we are in God the tougher will be God's expectation on us.When David sinned against God and openly confessed and repented, Nathan told David in 2 Sam 12:7-12 Nathan then said to David, “You are the man! Thus says...


SINGAPORE HOSTAGE'S LAST MOMENTSIndian govt releases chilling transcripts of terrorist phone callsJanuary 09, 2009 Print Ready Email Article OBEROI-TRIDENT AT 3.53AM, 27 NOVClick to see larger imageFEAR: A file picture of a hostage peeking from a window of the Oberoi-Trident. PICTURE: AFPHANDLER 1: 'Brother Abdul. The media is comparing your action to 9/11. One senior police official has been killed.'GUNMAN 1: 'We are on the 10th/11th floor. We have five hostages.'HANDLER 2: Everything is being recorded by the media. Inflict the maximum damage....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Unions defy Kevin Rudd on wage claim restraints

I am absolutely flabbergasted, isn't it no wonder that Unions in Australia are so out of touch that they do not know how to tamper their demands. Isn't it no wonder that from previous history it was because of Unions that cause the Australian Economic Crisis in the past by their exorbitant wage demands ?"If you don't protect incomes, then that's a negative for the economy as well," Ms Burrow said. "If working people can't pay their bills, if, in fact, their mortgage is threatened ... then that's not going to help the economy survive, nor indeed...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Awana Genting Highlands Golf and Country Resort

Below is a report about Malaysians behaving badly and the country club not doing anything. It is no wonder Malaysia crime is getting from bad to worse. There is just so many crimes in the country that you have to wonder if they will ever come catch up with Singapore. I used to remember when Singapore as a country was just like Malaysia but we have improved since then. Its sad that there are still so many blatant corruptions and problems in the country.Well...

New Phone AGAIN !

LG U990Yes if you must guess ! This is my new mobile. And no i am not phone maniac, unlike some of my friends.But it was out of necessity. I seem to have misplaced my mobile so I had to get a new one. I went to Kabuki yesterday and still had my mobile. But after that Its seem to have disappeared on me.This morning, i went to Kabuki to check and went home in the afternoon to find it, but as God would have it. I do need a new mobile, so without hesitation...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Big Changes in the pipeline

Life is always about change. In 3 month, there will be another big change in my life. New responsibilities and new issues to tackle.Not sure how things will pan out, hopefully I will know what route to take. I was planning to buy a house but I think this maybe put on hold to see how the market will pan out. Many reports predict a further southward push in house and property price.My parents are tempted to demolish the Daly St house and build a new one but of course this will take one year of constant moving. This house is in between its ok to live...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Safest Chinese Food to order

Have you ever tried to order dishes at new restaurants you visit and were disappointed with the dishes you ordered ?Well I did recently, the ex Tung cafe now called HK BBQ Restaurant was one example. I found out that there was a new chef they hired and added BBQ meat. Unfortunately, thought the staff have changed and now ran by the Owner's sister. The food well was still not really up to standard.I was told it was a hong kong chef. But i reckon, i could cook better than the food placed before us. That was how bad it was. The sizzling was not even...

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Another friend of my is going to get married... and i have been asked again to do MC. I think I should start keeping templates so i don't have to re-type the script.At this moment I have been1. Best man - thrice2. MC - 4 times and 2 more on the way3. Wedding Video - 2 times4. Wedding Presentation - 3 times and 2 more on the way as well5. Wedding planner - 06. Bridesmaid - 07. Groom - 18 Bride - 0Thats the roll call so far, i reckon when i reached 40, i should be pretty good at some of the roles. I should start a wedding company. But in saying,...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Spirit, Character and Ability

Good spirit helps you to stay positive and submissive but does not guarantee that a person has strong moral compass. Spirit only helps you to be more open to changes, but is also subjective to the influence of his or her surrounding.A person with a strong moral character and a good spirit will help you stay the course in the Christian walk but does not guarantee that a person will be a great leader. With these 2 traits, it will certainly help us walk the narrow path but to help others walk the same path ability is the keyIn one of God's parable...

Dinner with Alvin and Cheryl

Yes it was another dinner party. The food was simple Italian food was the theme. So i had to cook some italian dishesThe gerneral spreadChips salad with Mango and rockets ....deliciousMarina PastaChilli MusselChocolate cake with my own banana custard cr...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The End and The Beginning

1 Jan 2009 marks the beginning of many chapters in my life and the end of some. I realise that we often have choices in life which can ultimately determine who we are.As of Jan 09, most of the old cell people will be moving to another cell, so i suppose this would be a good time to choose a place to allow our child to have a more family oriented environment.Which group would be best... we are still unsure... prob will be a good time to visit the different groups in our church.. somewhere which can provide some older auntie and uncle to give some...