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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Melbourne Trip 18th-25th Dec

What a busy december period, never felt more busy with work and holiday all pack in one month. We are now in Melbourne doing things I never had an opportunity to do when i was here the last time.

Thing we did

1. Visited Melbourne Zoo
2. Visited Victorira Market
3. Went to crown Casino ( No gambling though --- will prob loss too much money)
4. Watch Avatar in Crown
5. Visited some country town - Lakes Entrance, Angelsea, Airey's Inlet.
6. Drove along Ocean Reef Road

Today we are going to Yarra Valley to visit some winery. That is going to be good.

We tried 2 restanrant

1. The Meat and Wine Co
2. Paladdarr Thai Issarn
( Will give some review soon )

Went to Chadstone last night.. 24 hours shopping... was there till past mignight. Something Perth never got

Will put up pictures soon

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thai Trip

Best thai trip ever, got to stay at Centara Resort, feels like a las vegas hotel. Beautiful and what a veiw from my room.

View from my room of the hotel pool area

Why u wake me up ?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert trying too hard to entertain

I just finished watching Adam Lambert's performance, and I wasn't really entertain. Rather than letting his voice do the talking, he tried too hard to shock the people to accept his performance.
I have no doubt he had a great voice but the over the top gyrating and suggestive dancing is so distracting from the singing.

Adam needs to remember, that it is the public that buys the album, if the public is turned away and album sales drop so does his chance of making it in the music industry. He mentioned that he was a singer, entertainer and businessman, while a wise business person would not want to alienate the majority of the population, because they are the one that will support and buy the album.

Maybe the fame got the better of him and he lost track of what endeared him to people. Hopefully he will learn from this.

Good luck to him...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Adam Lambert Album out soon

I have decided to dedicate this week to Adam Lambert and see if i can convert some of my friends.
I must admit Adam have some pretty amazing songs which he sang during idol. His current new album is available for listen on

I must say for a 1st album done in 2 months, the compilation is not too shabby. It does have a song for almost everyone. The album has alot of 70s and 80s feel, it reminds me of Ace of Base, Depeche Mode, with the electronic sound. I like the songs but I do wish that he could show case his voice more. Those songs he choose during idol was so spot on.

I wish his next album, he would do something different, so that people across different genre can enjoy his voice. I hope he does a rock album, a jazz album, a pop album, maybe even an opera.

But you only have ot listen to the selection and his rendition to understand why he is so unique.

If i Can't have you - Adam's Version so different...

My FAV in his album so far ... hahah... all of his songs...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Awaiting for the new album

Yes, another week and the New Adam Lambert album will be out in store.

I was looking at one of his performance and decided to make a comparison for this song called feeling Good. I think each singer did a pretty awesome Job, Adam had a bit more grunt in the song though.

This is Nina Simone a Jazz singer as well...

This one is from Michael Buble ... not bad.. very Jazz...

This is by MUSE - Adam's Fav group

Here is one by Adam Lambert..

Sometimes its good when so many artist sing the same song so you can get a good feel of the song.

Sunday, November 15, 2009



After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.
Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring
and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my
wife is like most women - she loves to browse.

Yesterday my dear wife received the following
letter from the local Target.

Dear Mrs.Hudson

Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion
in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been
forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints
against your husband, Mr. J.Hudson are listed below and are
documented by our video surveillance cameras.

1. June 15:
Took 24 boxes of condoms and
randomly put them in other
people's carts when they weren't looking.

2. July 2:

Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at
5-minute intervals.

3. July 7:

He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor
leading to the women's

4. July 19:

Walked up to an employee and told her
in an official voice, 'Code 3 in
Housewares. Get on it right
away? This caused the employee to leave her
assigned station
and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in
resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose
time and costing the company money.

5. August 4:

Went to the Service Desk and
tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layby.

6. August 14:

Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign
to a carpeted area.

7. August 15:

Set up a tent in the camping department and told the
children shoppers
he'd invite them in if they would bring
pillows and blankets from the
bedding department to which
twenty children

9. September 4:

Looked right into the security camera and
used it as a mirror while he
picked his nose.

10. September 10:

While handling guns in
the hunting department, he asked the clerk where
the antidepressants were.

11. October 3:

Darted around the store
suspiciously while loudly humming the 'Mission
Impossible' theme.

12. October 6

In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look'
by using different sizes of funnels.

last, but not least:

15. October 23

Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited
awhile, then yelled very
loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet
paper in here!!!

One of the clerks passed out.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My friends

Patrick Ng... THE MAN..

Vic the "Old Man" - Celebrating his 40th Birthday

No candles.. on cake... too many cant fit on cake... so decided to just go out for dinner

My new dishes

I was in an experimental mood one night as Bird was also having her exam, so i decided to try something new.

First i did a soup - Preserved Veg with Sliced fish

Honey Baked Char Siew

XO Spinach with Sliced Chicken

My fav was still the Char Siew. I think i can do this again.. nice...

Capriz Review

Here is a restaurant, that is really intresting. It is a Vietnamese owned Italian restaurant. We were figuring out what to eat before CG and stumbled upon this quaint little take away near Galleria.

And my guess was right, they have asian style Pizza, so i decided to try the Thai chilli chicken pizza, when the pizza came, it was crispy and with an interesting chinese feel to it. The fish and chips were also nice, the batter was crispy and the chips were salted just right for my taste bud

It was worth the try.

Next round i will try it again .

Friday, November 13, 2009

Campaigning for Late Night in Perth

It is with regret that i learned that Perth is 10 years behind the eastern states. My friend told me that Perth was like what Melbourne was when his parents was in School. When he first moved over from Melbourne he had a rude cultural shock.

Now apparently, Melbourne had shops that opens 24 hours and on weekends. In fact the 1st week he came to perth, he went to Innaloo on a sunday thinking it was open, but to his horror. Shops are closed.

I think as perth population grow it is about time we start to take abit more initiative to get rid of the sleepy town image. I know many perth older folks hate the daylight savings and late nights. But isn't this about choice, democracy dictates that People should be given the right to choose.

Look if some people don't like late nights, by all means stay at home, why penalize others for wanting more cash or those who enjoy late night shopping. Isn't democracy about choice.

Let people choose, late night only works if people do think it is good.

I will start a campaign to help Colin Barnett to get the Late night going... no more restricted shopping hours.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Climb... by Miley Cyrus

It is interesting to see that so many guy singers.. will make a cover of this song... here are the original and some of my fav

Mr Guy Sabestian.... doing his thing...

Ahmir... doing his thing.. Good voice.

Stan from Australian Idol

Even Kelly Clarkson did a jam session... with her friend

The original by Miley

An acapella version by Ahmir

Which is your fav ?????

Monday, November 9, 2009

A lesson from Man U defeat

As i sat there, trying to keep my eyes open to watch Man u play Chelsea. I came to one poignant conclusion, this is not Man U's year.

We might not like it but one thing that cannot be denied, Cristiano Ronaldo brought another class to Man U team. Even though we had Rooney, Berbatov and Giggs. Everyone paled in comparison to Ronaldo. He alone carried the team the past 2 seasons, the gulf in class become more painfully clear, we need someone special.

So, this interesting question came to my mind, are leaders made or born ? Books keep telling us that Leader's are made not born. But then if that is true then why not every footballer end up the same standard even when they go through the same training.

I think Skill is something that we can learn but, some people just have the natural born leadership quality that when combined with the skills they acquire will make them really stand out.

Just in every organisation it is the same, some just have it some just don't.... each person will have a peak. But i do admit each of us will have something that we are destined for and are gifted in, if we find that I am sure we will excel in it..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My office on Melbourne Cup day

I call him "Ghandi" - He is Vegan... only eats Veg

The girls on Melbourne Cup with their weird hats

The winner of the most crazy hat

This is "big voice" she is the voice of the Company

Friday, November 6, 2009

Crazy night of japanese food


We had to do sushi for Sat's Hope Family day. So after badminton, a group of us went to my place to do the sushi. We were obviously starving after one night of exercise. So I decided to make some Japanese food to eat. Chong yee will scream once he knows what we eat at 10.30pm at night..

Our supper menu

1. Soft-shell crab sushi roll - with Mayo, Mustard and Avocardo

2. Grilled Teriyaki Beef - I had sliced Sirlon and also... WAGYU beef... mmmmm

3. Rocket Salad with Walnut, Blue cheese, sliced pears and Balsamic Dressing

4 Miso soup

so that was a crazy supper... my friend love the grilled beef and my homemade teriyaki sauce..

yum yum

Spinach with 3 egg recipe

This dish is one of my wife favourite dish and also my parents, so i normally do this dish when they are over here. It is really a simple dish to do.

The main ingredients are

1. 1 bunch -Spinach more if you like...
2. 3 pieces of garlic or more if you like ( dont chop) but remove the white outer skin
3. Normal egg
4. Century egg - chopped
5. Salted egg
6. Chicken stock - can use chicken cube or canned soup
8 Fish sauce
9. Fried shallots
10 - Cornflour and with water

The trick to making sure this dish taste nice is to make sure the Spinach is cooked properly as spinach has this sandy taste, which some people do not like. Of course make sure the veg is washed.

Cooking method

1. Heat the wok with some oil

2. Put in the garlic ( make sure its not too hot.. if not the garlic will burn.) - The aim is to get the garlic taste into the oil with out burning the garlic

- The restaurant method... would then require you to take out the garlic once its abit brown...
- Then heat the wok up till its there you can see some smoke from the wok

3 Throw the spinach into the hot wok and start frying... also put in some fish sauce and the garlic pieces. Allow the spinach to wilt a little before pouring in the chicken stock.

** How much stock to use is personal preference i think.. i like mine abit towards the soupy side... as i like to drink the soup.. after.

4. But i will allow the veg to simmer with the stock for at least 2 min... ( if you like it thicker add abit of cornflour- but u can leave it as it is... too... i like more like soup ** also check the soup... and season to taste... using either chicken cube or fish sauce...

The egg sequence is also impt... so that you get the same texture as the restaurant

5 I put in the salted egg.. first and break it into the soup... and allow the veg to absorb the salted egg taste

6. Then i put in the chopped century egg

7. Lastly i break the normal egg into the wok stir it in ... I leave it on for only another 20 sec after that and shut the fire and allow the heat to cook the egg..

To garnish... some places use Fried shallot

This dish is simple to make, its about timing and mostly the seasoning. Its hard to get wrong.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet"

This is also fast becoming my fav song... nice catchy tune...

I am prob in a music blog craze at the moment... dont mind me...

Lady Gaga - Fever

I need to blog this just in case i lost the link... this is the same Fever on Adam Lambert album. This is Lady Gaga demo for Adam... this will be a great hit.

Kappy's Restaurant

Kappy's italian restaurant


120 Swan street, Guildford WA 6055

Phone- (08) 6278 2882

From the City via great eastern highway:
travel to guildford approx 13 km from city then turn right at James street(traffic lights) then turn Left at meadow street (over railway line) then right at roundabout, kappy's is now only 20 meters on your left.

From City via guildford road:
travel to guildford approx 13 km from city then turn Left at meadow street (over railway line)then right at roundabout, kappy's is now only 20 meters on your left.

From Hills or Midland via great eastern highway:
travel towards guildford grammar school on swan street and follow through the roundabout. kappy's is on your right.

Recently for the past 1 month, me and my wife have been sampling all the restaurant in guildford town near swan valley and we are please to announce our favourite food place. This was our latest sampling and by the best and fastest service.

The atmosphere was really pleasant, feels like a family restaurant. The service was quick. We got our food in 10 min, which by any standard was fast.

My seafood fettuccine...the flavour was there, you could taste the sea in the pasta sauce, sometimes when you go to some "Crappy" Restaurant, the pasta sauce is so blend... this one was nice. Thick and not runny

Rocket salad with blue cheese - Somehow my wife love this dish.. so... I am making this for her when i cook western.. again. easy to do.. Rockets, Pears, Walnut, Blue cheese, balsamic vinegar.

This was nice Spaghetti and steak.. the steak was really tender, prob a steak tenderloin.... nicely seasoned with a dash of oregano..

The desert - Crepe with Banana, rum and burnt sugar served with a side of ice cream

My wife at the restaurant.. and my baby... sleeping ... again

So if you have entertainment book.. this is one place i can recommend you go an try... I have try also L'tac and Padbury.. both were on par but not as good as Kappy's restaurant.

I will post some review on them soon....

PS.... need to try the burger at the Station stand... it is always full every night... that burger must be good.....

Awiaiting my fav album

Yes, that is right Adam Lambert, Lady GAGA even Susan Boyle will be releasing their album on or around 23 Nov

Here is the snippets for adam's album.. pretty impressive...

Ok... told my wife this can be my birthday present... I will go buy Bon Jovi... myself.. mmmmmmm....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2010 - A year of marriage

Just booking my calender for next year.. and man... have i got so many wedding to attend to.

My last count was 4 in the first 6 months... I would be broke man... better start saving more money now.

Well... I suppose, we all need to go through it someday..

So people remember to save up.. in case... you have no money...

Next yr OC is in Gold Coast.. would be nice to go.. but we will see... money is tight.. so will think more about it.

We weren't born to follow

Bon Jovi - We Weren't Born To Follow

Sonshine was playing this in the morning on my way to work. I must say i have always love Bon Jovi. They were one of my first fav rock band. I had most of their albums and some songs are really classic.

Here is their latest single called We weren't born to follow.

Great lyrics...

We Weren't Born To Follow lyrics

This one goes out to the man who minds the miracles
This one goes out the ones in need
This one goes out the sinner and the cynical
This ain't about no apology
This road was paved by the hopeless and the hungry
This road was paved by the winds of change
Walking beside the guilty and the innocent
How will you raise your hand when the call your name?

Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

This ones about anyone who does it differently
This ones about the one who doesn’t sit and spits
This ain’t about our living in a fantasy
This ain’t about giving up or giving in

Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, oooohhhhh, Yea


Yea, Yea, Yea,
We Weren’t born to follow
Come on and get up off your knees
When life is a bitter pill to swallow
You gotta hold on to what you believe
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow
And that’s a saints and sinners pleas
We weren’t born to follow
You gotta stand up for what you believe
Let me hear you say
Yea, Yea, Yea, ooooohhh,, Yea

No Pun intended ... hahaha...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Life is full of Drama

Life never sits still. One day you have to do this and the next something else crop up. The new build is much harder than i expected, I have to do the retaining wall which is an additional cost. But this if not done, then there won't be a house. So now i have to throw in 20K plus to do the retaining wall.

So far everything is according to budget and i managed to save on some areas which was good.

Recently there was also some side drama happening, which i won't elaborate but all i can say is in life we have to make is a choice. We cannot choose to just do things, we need to always wait on God and think carefully on our decision.

For me Choice is about making sure, you dont burn out, about not just following orders. There is no perfect person in this world therefore there is no perfect advice. Regardless of status or age, it is always important that we know what we do and also making sure that it is the right thing to do.

So what is my choice... ? For now it is to learn new things and enjoy my time.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Best of the worst singing

For your entertainment....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fine Dining dinner

Waiting for the food

Wagyu and Sirlon

Yileen's first taste of Wagyu

Potatoe and Salad

Last night, it was was another fine food and wine night. The house was a little small to accomodate more people, but when i have my new house i can do it properly.

The day's menu include


Sourdough Garlic Bread
Seafood Chowder


Mango Salad with Rockets
Curry Mashed potatoe
Seared Wagyu and Sirlon served with Wasbi / garlic butter and Soy sauce


Vanilla Ice-cream
Cheese Platter

I think most people were bloating at the stomach after that. But all i can say is i may have converted a few Wagyu doubters. We tried the 2 different cut of beef and everyone agreed you can taste the difference between Wagyu and a Sirlon.

I think... once u had Wagyu nothing taste as close. Scotgch Fillet will be close.

The Seafood chowder was something new i tried, normally i use poatoe but this time i use double cream and no potatoe to give the thick creamy texture. Seems everyone love the soup. I made extrra and everyone had seconds...

For $30 i think that is a steal... next fine dining .... is up for booking...

Thinking of doing Saffron Smoked Salmon with Garlic Butter Sauce served with a side of Cous Cous.

Christabelle's Photo


Latest .... yesterday's Dinner party

Not happy

The sailor look

A snapshot of Miss Christabelle.... sometimes cranky sometimes happy... beginning to behave like a girl... hahaha.... mood swings... and all.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The mark of a leader

In every place and in every season, God often brings forth great leaders that makes a difference in our life. I can say in my Christian walk, there are a number of leaders that help shaped my christian walk and I truly believe that in this leaders I have learned some value truth that help me understand what makes a truly great leader.

The first person is Ps Jeff, one great thing about Ps Jeff is he is a genuine person. I have had the opportunity to work with him when he first went full time. It helps he has the same sense of humor as me. Really funny person but someone who is real. The one thing i have learned from him is that you must mean what you say and say what you mean. He is a no-nonsense leader who is gracious enough to allow feedback and also humble enough to accpe his shortcoming. It is not often you meet people who can be funny yet serious for God.

The seond person who shaped alot of my thinking is Ps Kong Hee. Never had a chance to work with him as we are from different church but i never cease to be inspired by his teachings. Insightful and a real man of God. What stood out for me was his willing to live by his teaching. Today he is a volunteer pastor who never take a salary from the church .

The third person is Ps Wayne Coderio, a very annointed preacher who taught me that leadership is servanthood and that we as leaders must always remain humble and that we need to be real

Here are some phases that really spoke to me : :

1. A great leader is one who is geniune and real not one who puts on a front
2. A great leader is humble and willing to accept feedback
3. A great leader will always build great leader.

But most importantly, a truly great leader will always inspires others with his life.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Being Christlike is more than a word

What is right and what is wrong ? Sometimes some area are so grey that its hard to tell. As a christian, i always believe that the Bible is above anybody, rules, regulation and customs.

Because ultimately it is us who stand before God to answer for our action. I believe God put leader there to guide us but not to rule over us. Leaders are only as good as their life. Not because of title or for any other reason. Therefore it is imperative that we use our own conviction to determine our action.

The truth is leaders can also be wrong and leaders can also stray. Ihave come across leaders who taught me things which i thought were a little suspect and true enough they ultimate fell from God. There when in doubt consult the bible, consult many people, get different opinion, then make your own decision

The bible had one case, where some people say they follow Paul, while some say they follow apollo, but in truth we should all follow Jesus.

There are many things in the world that is not truly black nor truly white. But a little common sense, a little wisdom and a little prayer will hopefully give us the correct decision we need to make.

So being christlike sometimes takes more than simply follow orders.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Prisoner dance !! Wow

Now who say Philippino can only sing.... Edwin and Edith will be proud... How on earth you get hard core criminals in Philippines to do this... they must love music..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bye Bye old house

Yes the old dame is no more. It had been a good run but this old house was build in the 70's so its was time to put it out of misery. It was not bad as a house but it prob has run its course. I went there to see and the land look so different and flat.
Now have to get council approval to do the retaining wall so that I can get the build under way. But i would expect some delay over the build due to the wall issue.
Lets hope we can get it sorted our soon

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aussie Dollar is now in Crazy territory

Yes today it is official, Aussie dollar is going crazy, I never thought that Aussie would be this strong. Today we hit a 14month's high. 5 -8 months back Singapore Dollar was 1 : 1 now its 1.27.

Aussie may even go above parity with USD.. So now Aussie dollar is the world benchmark currency... Sad about US>.. with all their corporate failings and debt.

In fact i think this Aussie dollar inflation might do us more harm than good, because now export will be expensive and imports cheap.. so guess what. More China made products and those from Asia countries and who suffers ? Well Australia.

I don't know how long this will run, but lets just hope the other country start to pick up too.

Below is the report

Aussie dollar heads for parity as RBA chief agrees it could hit $US1.10

Michael Stutchbury, Economics editor | October 16, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE Australian dollar appears headed towards parity with the US dollar after Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens agreed the economy's strength could drive it "way up" to $US1.10.

The dollar jumped after Mr Stevens also suggested that the Reserve Bank would not be "too timid" in further increasing the official interest rate, breaking through US92c to reach 14-month highs.

His comments startled foreign exchange market analysts and encouraged money markets to bet that the Reserve would lift its cash rate from 3.25 per cent to at least 3.75 per cent before Christmas and keep lifting next year.

"I tend to agree with him," the Commonwealth Bank's chief currency strategist, Richard Grace, said of Mr Stevens's Aussie dollar bullishness.

But while Mr Stevens suggested the dollar's rise was the result of Australia's economic vigour, Wayne Swan warned that it would hurt farmers and other export industries.

"I do understand some people will do it really tough as a consequence of a higher dollar," the Treasurer said.

Since October 2, just before the Reserve Bank lifted its 3 per cent "emergency" cash rate, the dollar has gained nearly 7 per cent, from US86c to US92.11c in European trading last night.

The dollar's rise could further increase the tension between the Reserve Bank's rate rise move and the Rudd government's rejection of calls to unwind its budget stimulus more quickly.

In theory, an expansionary budget policy pushes up an economy's exchange rate.

The Reserve Bank is not intervening in foreign exchange markets to dampen the currency's ascent, which is akin to a policy tightening that mostly hits exporters and businesses that compete against imports. But it also contains inflation by making imports cheaper.

The Australian sharemarket rose again yesterday on the back of improved investor confidence in the Australian and global economies, with the All Ordinaries index gaining 28.5 points or 0.59 per cent to hit a one-year high.

Mr Stevens was asked at a breakfast function in Perth whether the Reserve Bank had any tools to prevent speculators driving the Australian dollar to $US1.10.

Mr Stevens replied that, rather than speculators, there usually was a rational reason for big exchange rate movements.

"You could do a scenario where the exchange rate goes way up," he said.

"We've got one of the better-performing economies in the world. Even at very low interest rates, we still have a positive differential and we're a country where the people here are, I think, reasonably confident about the future and foreigners are fairly confident about our future, and it's not entirely surprising that they're a bit keen on the currency."

Mr Stevens suggested that this could change if economic recoveries in other countries surprised on the upside.

"But you could do a scenario of the one you suggest and, in that world, perhaps inflation is lower, but the reason the exchange rate is up there is probably that there are some very strong growth dynamics and trade dynamics at work here."

The Australian dollar has not traded at parity with the US dollar since the local currency floated in late 1983, but appeared headed towards this level before the global crisis hit.

With its economy still sick and US official interest rates at zero, the US dollar is falling against most other currencies.

But it is falling harder against the Australian dollar after the Reserve Bank last week became the first in a G20 country to lift official interest rates since the global financial crisis hit just over a year ago.

This means the Australian dollar is rising against most other currencies, such as the British pound, which is being talked down by the Bank of England to cushion its economic downturn.

From only 37p a year ago, the Australian dollar now buys 57p.

The Commonwealth Bank's Mr Grace forecast that the dollar will reach US93c by the end of this year and US98c by the middle of next year.

He said it was possible the dollar could rise to more than $US1 because of an "almost perfect environment" for the Australian currency.

Firstly, Australia's economy was outperforming other developed economies and financial markets had yet to fully price in the coming rate rises.

Secondly, the global economy was starting to revive, helping lift commodity prices and hence Australia's export prospects.

Thirdly, the US Federal Reserve had signalled that it would keep its zero official interest rate "for an extended period", which was driving investors out of $US-denominated assets and into higher-yield currencies such as the Australian dollar.

"This is an environment in which the Aussie dollar could hit $US1.10," Mr Grace said.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Michael Jackson Final Song and Adam's first

This is MJ's final song, i had an opportunity to see him perform live once and it was an unforgetable experience. I can say he is a truly extraordinary singer regardless of the press about him.

You cannot deny his voice is truly unique and one of a kind. The only other person that can come close would be Adam lambert, when he sand Black or White cannot wait for his song to come out.

Here is also a video about his new soundtrack for the movie 2012.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Some rants....

This couple of weeks besides my usual work, house building project I was also busy playing some games. One being Mafia wars and Restaurant city... Its not too bad... getting a hang of it... must say this is one time i ever see my wife also play games like me...Will try to get into my texas poker... if i got time.

Anyway, caught up with alot of my friends. I think in recent times, there are more people joining the "Alumni Club". Well, lets just say I am not too surprise but I think time will only tell. Its important that people go to where they can be fully released.

I think with so many issues being brought out recently I come to realize there is no perfect organisation and that we should always be humble to learn from others. How fast should all christian run ? Personally, from my experience, God's work is endless and there will always be people to reach out.

Church growth is important but never at the expense of our own spiritual growth.

One of my uncle who is a missionary told me one thing..when we serve the Lord. Never never try to run ahead of God. Allow God to lead and we follow, this way we never burn out. We are all different and therefore grow at different rate and enjoy different ministry.

One of the reason our organisation such a big setback recently was because we were always pushing people to the limit and sometimes when they are stretched beyond their capacity they break and cracks appear.

I promise to learn from this.. and will make sure my christian will finish well... Its important that I run at the pace i feel led by the Lord and not because of any peer pressure.

Our last farewell

Our back porch we saw so many parties and BBQ

Our living room all gutted...

This was how the house used to be before i put in the door. It was an outside toilet.

Victor's old mobile home... he grew up in the blue caravan.. and all his earthly possessions used to be stored in it

The salvage lorry... they took everything...

The old has truly gone and the new has come. I must admit i have been lazy this couple of weeks due to the hassle of settling my new house. We had our pre-start last week and now I can truly say its a new beginning.

This house has served me well for the last few years... happy and sad memories... Christabelle was born in this house. HOpefully when she grows up she will get to see this blog...

We had so many guest in our house.. since i bought it... the list just goes on ..

People who had stayed in this house.

1. Alan Lim
2. Kris bather
3. Victor Stewart
4. Edmond Ho
5. Duan Wei
6. Bird
7. Pep

Feels like a refugee camp.. hahah... but i suppose that is where friendships were forged... Now to a new beginning and to a 6 bedroom house... and yes... the house is alredy fully booked

1. Pep and Bird
2. Me and Esther
3. Boy and his wife
4. Jane ( Cousin)
5. Jeremy ( Cousin )

Of course it will not be free... so everyone must help me with the mortgage and share the bills. $ $ Accountant thinking.. if they all chip in I can reduce the mortgage pretty fast.. still thinking how to charge... Still deep in thought but... we shall see..

One auntie told me that more toilet means higher council rate... cause they got to clean more poo...

I shall post some old photos from the parties we had at our home...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Current Fav Artist

Yes thought i blog my current favourite singers.... here is my Top fav singers

1. Jay Chou
2. Adam Lambert
3. Kelly Clarkson
4. Aiza Seguerra
5. Michael Wong

This are the few singers I will definitely buy their album when it is released.

Adam lambert album is coming up this NOv 24 and i hope it will be available in Aust too.. cannot wait for the album. This guy can really sing.

My baby however loves Aiza's song... she will keep quiet everytime i play her songs... which is good for me

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Perth Royal Show

This year we took another trip to the Perth royal show, i must say it was quite fund seeing that we refrain from spending money on winning those huge teddy bears. You always want the bear but when you bring it home, it sits on your selves and in 5 months goes into a box...

So this year I decided Food, Showbags and rides thats the way to go. They have a manchester united showbag. NO LIVERPOOL hahah... that was a good indication what the royal perth show thought of liverpool.

Anyway I believe someone was a Man U supporter. That is why they have such wonderful showbag

The fireworks is spectacular as usual and of course, the rides were great too. I sat the X-treme force. Really good... scary next year will remember to try it again Bird and Esther chicken out cause it was too high.