Sunday, November 30, 2008
Qantas is gettting crappy....
5:47 PM
Yes ... QF77 which i was on, was the one that had to turn back to Perth. We flew off and midway we had to turn back... and ... my goodness !!! One of the engine shutdown and we did not even know. There was fire truck and ambulance on standby at the airport when we arrive.Better to stay on Tiger or some other airline. I think a CRASH will be imminent for Qantas, so many problems with their planes... and 5 hour wait at the airport.Below is the report : Photos updated laterSydney - A Qantas Airways jet aborted a flight to Singapore and returned to...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Going Singapore
2:26 AM
We are flying off to singapore in about another 10 hours.... finally a break to look forward too....I am planning to make this trip worth my while. And will blog the happenings in Singapore...Will let you guys know, the events back there....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The end of Australia Economy
6:24 AM
Below is a report of the new IR law. This does not come at a worst time especially when Australia is heading for a recession... unions are well known for people workers benefit before economy. Often the people in unions do not consider other factor when striking for better wages. and what is worse they might cause the economy to go crashing through higher wage demand... I wonder... if in good times they demand higher wage.. then if in bad times will UNIONs sacrifice to bring wages down to make the economy more competitive.I suppose unions are a...
Good looking hunk with lots to give
4:09 AM
Yes.. after the 1st post of my housemate... we had 15 comments for the post. Unfortunately most were spams. I am sure you can imagine my brother's sadness in not having much valid response out there in the cyber world.To help him find a mate.. I would like everyone to give me 3 minutes to read my sales on this great great once in a life time opportunity of a catch.He is single of course ! And still available ! What he is looking for in a lady :1....
My Son - Taishi
3:54 AM
Here are some photos of my dog...This is the - " I dont not what i am doing look "This is the - " I am surprised look"This is the - " You got a problem ?" LookThis is the " I am so sleepy look"This is the " I am hungry, give me some food" l...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Food we have for Dinner
5:46 AM
Tonight was another one of those simple food night. Just took whatever in the fridege and made some dishesI had leftover thai fishcake..which was a little spicy so i made a sort of sweet chilli thai sauce with corianderChilli Shrimp paste spare ribs... wanted to try something different... not too bad...This is a fish soup with sechuan pepper corn..... yum.. i also put tang gui... so to make it a bit more tasty for the wifeKan Kong fried with Belachan...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The failings of Western Legal System
10:41 PM
I have recently many news and reports of crimes being committed on newspaper and how the western legal system of red tapes and long process often allow criminals to escape tough punishment.I think we as human have placed too much complexity in the legal system creating a sort of chaos and technicality. I read with sadness of white collar crimes, murder and recently the piracy in Somalia and i come to understand why the laws set by God was so harsh. For example if a man is to murder, it would be a life for a life, unless the victim is willing to...
Lunch at Chong's House
4:14 PM
Pictures of Lunch fellowship for Cornerstone..... Chong's Birthday celebration though a little late... due to his assignmentThe early comers.... waiting for foodThe late comers... eating the foodSaladRoast beefAnd my Oyster Kilpatr...
Playing guitar with your feet
4:02 PM
For people who complain about learning music. This guy learn to play the guitar with his feet as he has no hands. God gives us talents so that if you believe you can do it, then nothing is really impossi...
Friday, November 21, 2008
3:34 PM
Quick update on things around me ....1. Chong Yee's birthday just passed ..I think.. he is 35......but don't quote.. still single and available i thinkQualities - can cook, will wash up, will drive you round, and likes going on holiday Going for lunch with him2. Serena is going home - i believe she has finished her studies in Miri.... i think she passed.3. Holidays !!Yes i am going back to Singapore next week from 28th Nov - 9 Dec. Going for my cousin's...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
10 places i would love to visit before i die
4:05 AM

I was hearing a sermon by Kong Hee about engaging the marketplace and was really intrigued by some of the places of culture mentioned in his sermon. I felt abit nostalgic and wanted to see the world before i die. Its sort of like my bucket listAnd if i have my wish here will be my Top places to visit1. El Bulli - This is one place i would like to eat before i die. Its been the Top restaurant in the world 3 years running and have one of the most unique...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Canon's camera are crappy
5:02 AM
The Canon Ixus 70 i bought last year, started playing up on me... its showing the Lens error restart camera..i searched the web and found out that Canon's camera especially the IXUS are crappyPlease do not buy CANON ... spread the word.... everywhere i read... all the reviews say that CANON IXUX breaks down after one year.... if not... they start to play up....No wonder they are no longer the best brand around.....Lesson learned... if you are not into camera... and not sure about the brand... read all the review on the web before you start buying...CANON...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sons of Abraham
5:05 AM
Yesterday, i watching the history channel on the documentary called son's of abraham. It was truly an eye opener. God's promised certainly came through for Abraham when God promised him that he will the father of many nations.In fact many religion trace their one common root to Abraham. Through Issac his Son came forth Judaism and Christianity. And through Ishmael came the Islam faith. It was fascinating when the documentary brought us to Hebron the place of Abraham's grave. On one side was a Jewish Synagogue and the other a Mosque, in the middle...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
To buy or not to buy House
5:19 AM
In 3 weeks, i will be going to Singapore to put forth my proposal to buy another house. My parents are often conservative and would rather keep the money in the bank then to invest in property or shares.I hope this time round, I can persuade them to invest together with me. Is the time right to invest. Interest rate has dropped, so the agent has told me that prices will start to rise. Unfortunately, the global climate has been causing much turmoil in the Australian economy. Job cuts, uncertainty and slowing economy, all these are the signs of a...
Friday, November 14, 2008
What luck !!!
6:43 AM
1 comment

Who needs a lottery win? A recently retired New York man wanted to use his retirement funds wisely, so he decided to buy a home and a few acres in Portugal .The modest farmhouse had been vacant for 15 years; the owner and wife both had died and there were no heirs.The estate was being sold to pay back taxes. There had been several lookers but the large barn had steel doors and they had been welded shut. No one wanted to go to the extra expense...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Baby photo
11:16 PM

Here is my baby girl !!! Ok... i was initially mistaken that i had a baby boy !Use your imigination...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My baby
2:28 PM
I will post a photo of the baby scan soon... but ok if you have not heard, i am going to have a baby girl. My parents should be happy they have been dying for a baby girl after they gave birth to me... unfortunately my other sibling was a boy.So i suppose i have started where my parents left off..I am still thinking of a name for the girl but nothing comes to mind as yet. There are not many women's name in the bible, if there are its really hard to pronouce, especially trying to find some women's name starting with A.AbihailAbijahAbishagAbitalAchsahAdaAdahAhinoamAhlaiAholahAholiamahAholibahAholibamahAnammelechAnnaApphiaAsenathAsherahAshtorethAtarahAthaliahAzubahSeriously......
Tian Long Pa Bu
2:22 PM

I watched this movie when i was really really young, and could not remember the details of the movie, so i thought i should give it a go since i bought the series last year and did not have the chance to watch it as yet.The movie is not too bad. The good thing is that at least there are 3 heros in the movie each with his own story to tell. Sometimes when you have only one hero the movie tends to drag really long.I have not finished watching but hopefully,...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cultural Mandate
2:29 PM

Above is my recent Sermon acquisition. Cost me more than $100 SGD but it was well worth it. The cultural mandate have about 20 lessons but each one more interesting than the other.Ps Kong brought some very valid and interesting points about engaging the marketplaceThe teaching is very practical and opens you eyes to what scripture says and how it relates to the world we live in today.You got to try it to believe ...
A totally eventful week
3:11 AM
This week was another eventful week. One of our friends from singapore came over this time its Mevin and Shan. I am not sure why but it seems everyone comes at the same time. We decided to try the Vietnamese food along food park whose name i have to find in case i name it wrongly.I had the impression that it was expensive but i was sorely mistaken. It was rather reasonable. The food was nice too. I shall endeavour to find out the name. It was To...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
5:19 PM
Last night, was like a reunion of sort of the old hope of God Perth friends. Those that came were together with me since 1997. My good friend David Goh came all the way from Singapore to spend his second honeymoon, cause i told him to catch up... he is married before mebut have been slacking off in the family department ... side... so hopefully this time round he will be able to start a family...So we decided to go to this korean restaurant in East...