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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sunday Lunch Menu

We are having lunch this sunday and our group is being asked to do the Sunday lunch, after a couple of weeks of take-away pizzas and hot dogs. I thought this week would be a good week to try something new.I have been watching the Great British Menu and was pretty inspired by Sat Bain and Richard Corrigan, who did a take on a salad dish which involved poached eggs. I would like to have a go at this and see if i can come up with something really uniqueThe first dish is - Warm Bread Salad of Crispy Pancetta, Parmesan and Poached Eggs.Ingredient1....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

FRENCH GASTRONOMY -More Details I found

FRENCH GASTRONOMYFor many generations, the French have lived convinced that French cooking is the best in the world. In fact, France is the European country which gives most importance to its food. 84% of the French reckon that "French cuisine" is the best in the world, only 4% give their preference to Chinese cooking, and 2% to Italian or North-African cooking.We're going to try and see what makes French cooking so special, give you regional examples and write down a few recipes.In France, people use all their five senses when eating, these must...


I have heard this term so many times, i thought i should research into this. I hope one day i am able to open a restaurant that will bring in tastes from around the world. But now i am still learning, next dinner will hopefully be when Kris comes back.THE BEGINNING OF FRENCH GASTRONOMYThe real turning point in the French gastronomy was the arrival from Italy of a plump fourteen-year old girl named Catherine de Medici. She came to Paris in 1533 to become the queen of Henry II. It was not she who revolutionized the tastes of France; it was her retinue...

Premier League Game

Yes to all soccer fans, we are in this season as well, we are playing the online soccer manager organised by the premier league, there is prizes to be won both monthly and also for the whole season.Sign up and join us ! A private league have been set up, we shall see whose premier league knowledge and analysis is the best.So where is the Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea fans .... lets test our Soccer knowledge.Here is the website : http://fantasy.premierleague.comHeres the code to join :406641-85...

Truffle Galore

Yes, I have heard so much about truffles and watched countless cooking show where the chefs were using truffle oil, truffle sauce and truffle shavings. Well, apparently Mandarig is having a truffle festival.These fine delicacies are very much sought after in Europe and all the top restaurants around the world. Because they grow underground, to harvest the truffles its like mining for diamond. Truffles only grow in the wild, which makes it even more...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sick on the weekend

I was abit under the pumps this week, I think i had head cold, if there is such a sickness. My head was so heavy and painful the whole week. The only bad thing was it was during the weekend. It would have been better if i could take a day off during the week. Free rest day !But today i decided to plan for my December holiday and also convention plan for next april in Melbourne. With the holiday plan i bought, we've decided to try and use the freebies...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Is there life in the universe ?

This has often been a very touch question and issue. Some christians say God did not specifically mention so its an open topic, while others say we are the only one in the universe. Sometimes i wonder how big actually is the universe ? What is beyond the universe ? If i can be on a spaceship to travel the galaxy, i would certanly jump at the chance.Apparently Nasa says that there is ailen lifeform... but how true is it? Below is an article for your viewing pleasureHollywood, not NASA, reveals alien truthBy Geoff ShearerJuly 28, 2008 09:25amArticle...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tour De France

Wow ! If you have not watched tour de france before, this year has really been a roller coaster ride. I have not watched the Tour since Lance Armstrong retired, but this year Australia have a representative in the tour - Cadel Evans who might come this weekend be the tour De France champion. Of course he is no Lance Armstrong, Lance is a one-off a phenom who by all accounts would not be matched for a long long time. Lance was an excellent climber and also a great time-trialist. Unforuntately, there is no one else in this tour who is good at both.This...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Funny from My friend

Fw: Ah Beng's e-meow... Coool........^_^Dear Ah LianThanks you for your letter. Wrong time no see you. How everything? For me, Iam quiet find.You say in your letter your taukeh soh want you to chain your look? Somemore you must wear kick kok soo, hope you can wok properly.You know, Ah Kau Kia working in a soft where company now. Last week, he takeI, Muthu & few of his friend to May Nonut to eat barger. After that he take we all go to kalah ok.Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20...

Be careful when buying IPHONE plan with Telstra

There is no such thing as a good deal, so it goes to show when Iphone in Aust are so cheap, there is always a catch. Good luck for those unwitting people who signed up without looking at the pricing plan carefully.Below is a report :Watchdog warns on telco tricks and iPhone feesDavid Flynn22 July 2008, 11:57 AM (1 day 1 hour ago.)The ACCC is warning iPhone purchasers not to get burned by telco billing tricks.The ACCC has suggested that iPhone buyers take a closer look at the data allowance on their plans, and also written to carriers regarding...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008) - Not a movie for the fainthearted

The movie came out in Australia on Thursday, but since it was near to the weekend, we decided to organise a group outing and 10 people turned for the dinner and movie night. We book the Firehouse Bar and Bistro situated in Belmont and was pleasantly surprised by the food on offer.That review I will save for another day, but if you must go try the BBQ Ribs, its "heavenlicious"The ribs were grilled to perfection and the the meat just falls off the...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rambo (2008 ) - Blood fest

In recent months, some of the oldies decided to relive their former glory by taking on another installment of their previous blockbuster. First Sylvester Stallone did Rocky, then came Harrison Ford with Indiania Jones, but stallone did one up on him by adding Rambo to his list.Well this movie came and went without much fanfare, I heard about it but did not went to watch it at the cinema. The movie came out yesterday at the movie store, so i thought...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Curtin Ball 2008

A night in Paris Its been a while since i went for a ball, the last one i had was during my university days at the raffles ball. So i never thought, i would have to revisit this area of my youth again. But life has a way of bringing you back to your youthful days. I was having trouble trying to find something decent to wear. Thank God, i found a suit that still fits me. After this ball i have decided to go on diet and be a little slimmer. I was trying...

Food and Wine Show 2008

Its been a fun weekend for me, having been to my company's Christmas in July function on friday, i knew this was going to be the start of a really hectic weekend. Our company held this special event at the Minq bar in Burswood. But this was just the start of a wonderful weekend to come. Then came Saturday, and the food and wine festival was something i had been pinning for all these months.It has been so long since i went to such a festival that...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CIV 4 - My Archilles Heel

If people have been wondering why my blogging got a little lesser. Its because of the game i happen to buy recently at EB Games for a sales price. Unfortunately, one of my bad habit is I need to win the game at least once, before i can put it down. That is always been my big problem but what should i do, life is certainly more challenging now.I have always enjoyed turn based strategy games since Romance of the 3 kingdom and it has been something i always try to get when I want to buy a game. Since i have played the last 3 Civilization this one...

Hancook from Zero to Hero

The movie staring will smith, jason bateman, eddie marsan and Charlize Theron is a movie that starts off well but fizzles out in the end. Yesterday as there was no cell meeting, my wife and I decided to go for a movie and since we have watched most of the good ones, we decided on watching Hancook.Directed by Peter Berg this movie leaves more questions than answers. It does not give us much answer to why he has all these super powers. I think what i would have liked was some glimpse of how it all began. Maybe this movie was a teaser but without...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My housemate is descended from Royalty

I was watching the movie Queen Elizabeth : The Golden age, and had a conversation with my housemate, Mr Victor Stewart, who mentioned that he was descended from a royal line. I am pleasantly surprised, a descendant of the Kings is staying with me.But if you did watch the show, Mary Queen of Scott would then have been his ancestor, though she came to a tragic end. But her descendants have lived on, in places all over the world and one of them is staying...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Below is an article i found from Newpaper, it just reminded me what happens when people follow their dream. Hopefully, my brother Kris will read this and be inspired to put his film up for competition.Its really great to see people willing to pursue their dreams to what they believe they were destined for. What is your dream ? What is your life goal ? Keep focus and plough along until it finally comes to past.ONE DAY & ONE DOLLAR HIS FATHER wanted...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bye Bye Jay

One of good friend Jay is going back to Korea for 6mths to 1 year. Its sad to see him leave, but yet at the same time we will get a tour guide if anyone happens to go Korea. The flights was so early in the morning, i almost missed it, as you can see on the guys were there to say goodbye, as the ladies were still sleeping in bed.Hopefully Jay will enjoy his time in Korea with his parents and find new friends in Hope Seoul. This will be a good opportunity...

The movie list

If you are a movie buff like me and regularly watched movies. Its always good to create a list of must watch movies. There was a couple of hits and misses this year and its important not to waste time watching duds.Even apparent movie greats like Indiana Jones was pretty much a flop, and I would probably recommend to get it on DVD.These are the 4 movies which i would like to watch this year and hopefully they will not disappoint. The trailers have been included and when it comes I would be the first in line to watch it.1. Harry Potter and the half-blood...