Thursday, January 31, 2008
Your Life is a ministry
1:48 PM
I have often wondered this phase - " Every part of life is a ministry unto God." And then after I watched Pastor Wayne share on this and personally experienced a situation in my life, did i understand what it truly means. I highly recommend Ps Wayne's Podcast. Its really very goodSomeone once told me that as Christian we should always serve God in the ministry, but if Life is a ministry then Church ministry is part of the equation, not the whole equation. Because we are called differently and are part of the body in the church. Therefore we cannot...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Vision and Dreams
5:03 AM
Isn't it interesting that many of us often have dreams that never truly become a reality? I think its not because we are afraid but many times we just don't know how to achieve it. To say that life never pose a challenge is truly an understatement.Every great dream requires sacrifice, and every sacrifice requires determination and time. If you have a dream, you might wonder what we should be doing. I came to a conclusion that the key to success is to build strong foundation .If you want to build a successful restaurant, you must first understand...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The new book
2:01 PM
I have been wanting to write a book about some of my ideas. And would like to share some of my inspiration in the blog and provide some excerpts from a book I am planning to write. …Recently i have been asked if i would like to help pioneer a church in Joondalup. Though it may have sounded exciting, there are a lot of things that needs to be considered. One thing I have learned is that Christian life is a marathon and not a sprint. There is always a very fine and delicate balance in building ones spiritual life and trying to outrun God’s plan in...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Life is an opportunity
2:02 PM

Recently, while feeling rather free i decided to go the video store to rent a movie. I came across Evans Almighty. I initially thought that it would be just one of those funny and senseless movie. But I am truly amazed at the message behind the movie.My housemate told me that actually the movie Evans almighty and Bruce almighty is written by a christian. I truly recommend the movie to friends. It is one of those movie which has an underlying theme.The...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Time to start
1:44 PM
Its finally here 2008. this year will be a year i would like to see my resolution come to pass. Hopefully my blogging can stay alive. Sometimes life is so busy you dont have much time to do anything.My resolution for the year1. loss abit of weight. Yes. .... i aim to stay fit and alive........2. Finish CPA3. Write a book4. Start a business5. Finish the bible in one year6. And of course to be more discipline in my life.Lets hope this year will be a good y...