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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The best leadership advice

Not sure if i have every posted this.... before by Ps Jeff... really great insight. One of the best leadership advice i have read so far. But this is a great lesson i will learn to put into practice in hopefully all areas of my life. Hopefully this piece of advice can radically transform your life as it does minePromoting Constructive "Insubordination" I had been scrolling through a leadership book recently. One of the sections was quite refreshing to me.It began with the well said statement that “if both of us...


Happy New year to all.... 2009 is just around the corner...Looking back in 2008, i had a few interesting things happening in my life1. I bought a house in South lake2. I am going to be a father3. My house became a village..4. Bought airticket for the first time using Qantas frequent flyer points5. Flew to Karratha6. And kept my blog running for at least 1 full year... i tried once long time back but gave up...My goal next yr...1. Start improving my food blog... ( prob will do a parallel food blog... for foodies.... only - i want to do a Food video...

Other Photos.

This is where we buy the Yahava coffee.. its just around the corner from our chalet. Nice place. In fact they have resort there too. I bought some interesting coffee beans.. one called X-rated and one called romeo no.5.Prob give the X-rated beans for Kris and Romeo No.5 to Vic... hahahah....... Well this Romeo... will find his juliet soon.House on GracetownTheir only restaurant and shopAs you can see Vivien is the most excited. Maybe she likes the...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Margaret river - Day 2

Boxing Day - ActivityBoxing Day morning was filled with Porridge, steam bun, siew mai, and bread... I think we were all too tired to take photo.. so sorry no photo on breakfast.Then we rested awhile before we proceed to ahve early lunch at FLUTEs... this was one restaurant, i had always wanted to try but never had the chance to because it was always fully bookedI had to walk across the lake to get this shot which i believe Chong Yee would not have...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Devotion for today

Devotional - 97-12-16 - Integrity Titus 1:7 For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain. So who leads? Who are those who are leaders in the Christian Church? As a Presbyterian, I will say, men of integrity are to lead the church. That is my opinion, but I understand that many who might be reading this think that women should be leaders as well. I do not see that in the Scripture. But to appease some I will simply say a...

The beautiful Beach

Photos from the beach we visited.... absolutely... beautiful...I think the place is called Peverly Bea...

Margaret river Trip

Below are the photos of the place when we first came in.... we were really happy with the setting very tastefully done up.Beautiful SPA.... mmmmmNice TV too... the surround sound was greatOur SUPPER when we arrive ... i had prepare the curry chicken before hand all i had to do was to heat the curry and cook the prata... Teh tarik was also on the menuWhat we found out was that... we were going to have a big big feast for the next 3 days.... Breakfast...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Margaret river trip

This couple of days have been a time of relaxing and catch up with friends. We managed to book this resort which is called Willy Bay resort. I must say, the interior was absolutely stunning. I think it was beautifully decorated and the place had everything we could imagine.Will show some photos soon...Most of us probably put on some weight, eating all the scotch fillet, steam boat and breakf...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Christmas and a Merry New year

In case i dont get to email you or send you a letter... ( I am not a letter and card hope my friends won't mind too much....) Here's wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.... Due to economic crisis... santa.... has to eat his reindeer... and walk for most part of his trip.... But at least he lost KGs.... So... may next year... be a more bountiful year for all......

Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby Stuff so expensive

Now i finally understand... why people are often so poor when they have kids... those manufacturers sure know how to suck money from the parents. Unless of course, you are one of those parents who wont buy stuff for the kids.If you do want to get the best for your kids, it really cost a bomb. Baby car chair - $ 200, cot = $300, pampers, bottles, milk.. pump...Baby = poor...Baby x 2 = v.poorBaby x 3 = trust in GodI have to find way to minimize cost... maybe design an expandable clothes for baby, so can use for longer period...I thought of using...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Food at 4 seasons

Here are some food and photos from the wedding my cousin had at 4 seasons. The food was reasonably tasty. But one difference though was that each food was served to you. It does make the wedding a little special. Overall, the dinner was memorable, but the wedding was really interesting as all the ACS boys went up to sing out School Anthem. This is probably a first though. Well what can i say, we are all loyal ACSians....

Change of direction

Its absolutely amazing how easily decades of hard work can be destroyed. By small trivial matters. I think things will never be the same every again.For those that will be affected i wish the vision will still go on, but with such a split, you can only wonder if ever will we be the same.I know many people are trying to resolve the matter, but I do sincerely do not think things will go back to where it once was. That leaves me to wonder how it will affect us internationally.I saw the videos, heard the comments. Hopefully, when things are more settled,...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pastor Rick in Political Spotlight

By STEVEN WALDMANRev. Rick Warren is discovering that it's hard to be both America's Pastor and a Leader of Religious Conservatives. Barack Obama's selection of Mr. Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration has infuriated many Obama supporters -- especially advocates of gay marriage -- in part because of comments Mr. Warren made in a recent interview with me for Beliefnet and The Wall Street Journal. The most controversial exchange was...