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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Almost Home

We are almost at the end of our trip ... tghis trip was truly relaxing and tiring in a way... cause we had to take bus and travel alot.... but yet its was relaxing because we did everything at our own pace. Which was good.We manage to go to the 3 theme parks along the way and visited some nice places.... disney land and sea as well as universal studio.We are currently in the internet cafe.... trying to figure our way to the other hotel. I can only say its not very near, so hopefully we get there in time.Time to go for our one last shopping tr...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shopping in Osaka

Today we went to the Osaka Castle and also went to this place called Donotomburi and shopping.When i asked for an English menu, the english menu was something to behold... I seriously think they did not put much effort into the english . i really do not understand what they are trying to say but you figureLook at it... Hope you enjoy looking at the menu we ourselves have to struggle with....

Universal Studio More Pics

Here are more pics from the studio ... enjoy ....

Tokyo Trip and Photo

Here are the photos are Tokyo Disney Sea, we wanted to go Tokyo Disneyland but it was fully booked. So had to go to tokyo disney sea.... we will be back on Sat to go to Disneyland though and this time we will book in advance just in caseAlso now in Osaka... visited a lot of places good things is we need not wake up early but go at our own pace. We also visited Universal Studio and it was really fun... alot of rides never seen before in the Universal...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Here in Japan Day 1

today is saturday. and both of us are very tired after 11 both of us are very tired after 11 hours flight. we are now sitting in the internet cafe typing this blog and its 12.30pm now. WE cant check in until 1.00pm so thought might as well update the blog. Everything here is in japanese and the signs are all japanese. So you can imagine the difficult we are facing. But where there is a will there is a way. we had Ramen for lunch and now planning...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The reason I live

DevotionAs i look back at my Christian walk, i've come to reflect on the way i have lived my life. And as I ponder on the future that lies ahead, I begin to see how important a personal relationship with God is. When all is said and done, what is truly the question God would ask of me ? Job 1: 8 Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."Listening to Ps Greg Laurie, on the greatest stories every told.. and as he ran through...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Interesting week

Today is friday morning, been so busy the whole week with work. That i have no time for anything else. Yesterday I cook hookien noodle which i made for my wife and myself, I let my colleague try and she said it was nice.Everyone been asking me to open restaurant but am not too sure. Cooking sure is my passion. I really enjoy the art in making simple taste awesome. Sometimes i watch the cooking show i think to myself ... maybe i can be the next " asian jamie oliver'' ... of course i would be more good looking.My friend Kris told me i would mention...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The rush of life

Time really flies.... especially when you are busy.... its hard to believe that its over the hump week... and we are now going down the hump. ( Hump week is WED.. in aussie term... it means the middle of the week.. just in case someone is wondering)Went to look for car again this time for my wife... hahaha... she is facing the same problem as me ... choices.... so i taught her the principle i learned about the choices of life... set your mind on one car... and one car only... so your search would be easy.Life is always like that people who are...

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Friends that are in my life

Yesterday Vic came over to help fix the pool fence. Council said the fence was too low so had to move the fence up to 1.5M. Sometimes its good to have friends who are handyman, who is mr fix-it-all. If left to me i think i would not have the time to do the fence at all. Well I sort of bribed him with KFC so i suppose that is one incentive.My housemate however is another type of friend...... one of them Kris enjoys reading Comics and doing a little housework... his life seems so relax even though he is as old as me.... Some say he looks much older.....

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The results are turning

Finally after weeks of frustration... it seems Manchester United is starting to show signs of revival... though a little slower than what i would have liked. With the imminent return of Ronaldo and also with Saha.. i believe we would have the result we are looking for.Isn't it weird that although on paper, we seem to have the strongest team, in reality its not always the strongest team that wins the game..... but the team that plays well together.This is so true in practical real life.... too.... its not important how talented a team of people...